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 年 ~ 

Unusual magnetic field response in non-centrosymmetric heavy-fermion superconductor CePt$$_3$$Si


金子 耕士   ; Stockert, O.*; Arndt, J.*; Borth, R.*; Skoulatos, M.*; Habicht, K.*; Kiefer, K.*; Schneidewind, A.*; Etzdorf, D.*; 竹内 徹也*; 芳賀 芳範   ; 摂待 力生*; 大貫 惇睦*; 目時 直人   

Kaneko, Koji; Stockert, O.*; Arndt, J.*; Borth, R.*; Skoulatos, M.*; Habicht, K.*; Kiefer, K.*; Schneidewind, A.*; Etzdorf, D.*; Takeuchi, Tetsuya*; Haga, Yoshinori; Settai, Rikio*; Onuki, Yoshichika*; Metoki, Naoto

The heavy-fermion superconductivity in CePt$$_3$$Si with a non-centrosymmetric structure attracts a lot of attention since novel superconducting properties are expected under this symmetry. Another characteristics of the superconductivity in CePt$$_3$$Si is its coexistence with long-range antiferromagnetic order. Therefore detailed antiferromagnetic properties and its interplay with superconductivity are of strong interest to investigate. The magnetic structure of CePt$$_3$$Si is represented by ${textit{textbf{q}}}$=(0,0,1/2). We have observed that the 0 0 1/2 antiferromagnetic reflection exhibits a peculiar response to an external magnetic field; its intensity increases with magnetic fields. These results imply unusual antiferromagnetism in CePt$$_3$$Si.



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