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Evaluation for the formation of the oxide film at the surface of stainless steel exposed by high temperature water containing hydrogen peroxide by electrochemical impedance spectrometry

佐藤 智徳  ; 野田 和彦*; 加藤 千明   ; 山本 正弘 ; 中野 純一; 塚田 隆 

Sato, Tomonori; Noda, Kazuhiko*; Kato, Chiaki; Yamamoto, Masahiro; Nakano, Junichi; Tsukada, Takashi


To evaluate the electrochemical properties of the corrosion and formed oxide film of the stainless steel exposed to high temperature water containing hydrogen peroxide, the change in the electrochemical impedance response with the formation of oxide film was measured in high temperature water. And the impedance response of stainless steel with oxide film was measured in room temperature. As a result, the two half circles are confirmed in the Nyquist diagram of the obtained impedance response. The lower frequency half circle changed with exposure time. It was confirmed that the resistance of 316L stainless steel against corrosion was higher than that of type 304L stainless steel by the evaluation of lower frequency half circles.



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