高速炉MOX燃料用酸素ゲッター材の開発,2; 候補材と燃料の共存性評価
Development of oxygen getter materials for FBR MOX fuel, 2; Evaluation of the compatibility of candidate materials with UO
and FMS
瀬川 智臣
; 森平 正之
; 滑川 卓志; 松山 慎一郎*; 油田 良一*; 水迫 文樹*
Segawa, Tomoomi; Morihira, Masayuki; Namekawa, Takashi; Matsuyama, Shinichiro*; Yuda, Ryoichi*; Mizusako, Fumiki*
酸素ゲッター候補材とするZr, TiとUO
及びSUS被覆材との共存性を評価するために、Zr-FMS, Ti-FMS, Zr-UO
, Ti-UO
C, 100hの加熱試験後のTi側には最大厚さ14
, FMSと反応相を生成したが、いずれもTi側に生じた限定的なものであり、UO
Heating tests were carried out for the disc pares of Zr-FMS, Ti-FMS, Zr-UO
and Ti-UO
to evaluate the compatibility of the candidate materials of oxygen getter with UO
and FMS, and the interfaces of each disc were investigated. No reaction was observed between Zr and UO
also FMS in the test conditions. For Ti and FMS, Ti-Fe-O phase with the maximum thickness of 14
m was formed in the Ti disc at 700
C for 100 h but no penetration of Ti into FMS disc was observed. For Ti and UO
, Ti-U or Ti-U-O phase were formed near the surface of the Ti disc but these were limited in Ti disc side. No penetration of Ti into UO
disc was observed. As a result, it is considered that no harmful influence is expected for Zr and Ti on the integrity of UO
and FMS cladding.