※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of adsorbent for water treatment

瀬古 典明; 吉井 明央*; 角田 安彦*

Seko, Noriaki; Yoshii, Akihiro*; Tsunoda, Yasuhiko*


Purification of circulating water for cooling system in building is important task from the viewpoint of economy and environmental preservation. The circulating water was purified by the adsorbent which was synthesized by radiation induced graft polymerization of phosphoric acid mono and di ester monomer onto a polyethylene nonwoven fabric. The chelating unit of phosohric acid in the synthesized adsorbent had high affinity to Fe(III). In this presentation, purification system for 100 ton circulating water was assembled by stack of graft adsorbents and electromagnetic equipment. In the preliminal experiment, it was succeeded that Fe(III) in the 90 ton circulating water could be reduced from 0.3 to 0.1 mg/L during only 2 months operating of this system.



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