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 年 ~ 

Universal magnetic structure of the half-magnetization phase in Cr-based spinels


松田 雅昌; 大山 研司*; 吉居 俊輔*; 野尻 浩之*; Frings, P.*; Duc, F.*; Vignole, B.*; Rikken, G. L. J. A.*; Regnault, L.-P.*; Lee, S.-H.*; 植田 浩明*; 上田 寛*

Matsuda, Masaaki; Oyama, Kenji*; Yoshii, Shunsuke*; Nojiri, Hiroyuki*; Frings, P.*; Duc, F.*; Vignole, B.*; Rikken, G. L. J. A.*; Regnault, L.-P.*; Lee, S.-H.*; Ueda, Hiroaki*; Ueda, Yutaka*

Using an elastic neutron scattering technique under a pulsed magnetic field up to 30 T, we determined the magnetic structure in the half-magnetization plateau phase in the spinel CdCr$$_2$$O$$_4$$. The magnetic structure has a cubic $$P$$4$$_3$$32 symmetry, which is the same as that observed in HgCr$$_2$$O$$_4$$. This suggests that despite their different zero-field ground states a universal field induced spin-lattice coupling mechanism is at work in the Cr-based spinels.



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