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Investigation of niobium surface roughness and hydrogen content with different polishing conditions for performance recovery of superconducting QWRs in JAEA Tokai-Tandem Accelerator

神谷 潤一郎; 仁井 啓介*; 株本 裕史; 近藤 恭弘; 田村 潤; 原田 寛之; 松井 泰; 松田 誠; 守屋 克洋; 井田 義明*; et al.

e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology (Internet), 21(4), p.344 - 349, 2023/05

原子力機構東海タンデム加速器には、40台の超伝導Quarter Wave Resonator(QWR)によって重イオンを10MeV/uまで加速するブースターリニアックがあるが、2011年の震災以降、運転を停止している。近年ウラン等のより重い核種を加速するため、タンデム加速器のアップグレードが精力的に検討され、QWR再稼働の必要性が高まっている。現在、運転時に必要な加速電圧とQ値を得るため、QWR内面荒さを低減するための電解研磨条件を検証している。一方で電解研磨はNb中水素を増加させ、水素病と呼ばれるQ値の減少を引き起こす可能性がある。真空中高温焼鈍で水素を放出させることで水素病を抑えることができるが、QWRのクラッド材を構成するNbとCuの熱膨張差による空洞破損の危険性がある。そのため表面粗さの低減とNbバルク中の水素の増加を最小限に抑えるため、研磨条件を最適化する必要がある。我々はこれまで水素吸蔵量および脱離機構を昇温脱離分析(TDS)により検証できることに着目し、研究を行ってきた。発表では異なる条件で研磨したNb材料のTDS結果、表面観察結果、表面粗さの相関について得られた成果を発表する。



仁井 啓介*; 井田 義明*; 上田 英貴*; 山口 隆宣*; 株本 裕史; 神谷 潤一郎; 近藤 恭弘; 田村 潤; 原田 寛之; 松井 泰; et al.

Proceedings of 19th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.601 - 604, 2023/01




仁井 啓介*; 井田 義明*; 上田 英貴*; 山口 隆宣*; 株本 裕史; 神谷 潤一郎; 近藤 恭弘; 田村 潤; 原田 寛之; 松井 泰; et al.

Proceedings of 18th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.334 - 337, 2021/10




高貝 慶隆*; 古川 真*; 亀尾 裕; 松枝 誠; 鈴木 勝彦*

分析化学, 66(4), p.223 - 231, 2017/04

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:17.31(Chemistry, Analytical)



Local structural analysis of half-metallic ferromagnet CrO$$_2$$

樹神 克明; 池田 一貴*; 礒部 正彦*; 武田 晃*; 伊藤 正行*; 上田 寛*; 社本 真一; 大友 季哉*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85(9), p.094709_1 - 094709_5, 2016/09

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:10.86(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We have performed powder neutron diffraction on the half-metallic ferromagnet CrO$$_2$$ which has a rutile-type crystal structure with a tetragonal unit cell. Although the powder diffraction pattern can be fitted by the reported crystal structure including a single Cr site, the atomic pair distribution function (PDF) can be fitted by the structural model with an orthorhombic unit cell including two kinds of inequivalent Cr sites. The difference between the valences of the two inequivalent Cr sites, $$delta$$ of Cr$$^{+4pmdelta}$$, estimated from the local structural parameters is about 0.06. The shapes of the two CrO$$_6$$ octahedra are slightly different, suggesting the short-range orbital ordering of the Cr 3$$d$$ orbitals. The lattice distortion and the improvement of the fitting to the PDF obtained using the locally distorted structure model are apparent in the region below about 10 ${AA}$, suggesting that the domain size or correlation length of the locally distorted structure is about 10 ${AA}$, roughly corresponding to the size of two unit cells.


Accumulation of cesium and its association with intracellular polyphosphate in ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$

上田 涼史郎*; 佐藤 勝也; 林 秀謙*; 鳴海 一成*; 大野 豊

JAEA-Review 2015-022, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2014, P. 101, 2016/02

It is suggesting a possibility that the polyphosphate granules in cells could accumulate harmful metal ions such as radiocesium to protect the cells from cytotoxicity. In this study, we investigated the accumulation of cesium and its association with intracellular polyphosphate in ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$ using the gene disruptant and overexpressing strains. The cesium accumulation level in the disruptant and overexpressing strains was compared with that of the wild-type strain. The cesium accumulations in the ${it ppk}$ disruptant and overexpressing strains were slightly decreased and almost same, respectively. Like the intracellular polyphosphate level, the cesium accumulation level was significantly increased in the ${it ppx}$ disruptant strain. These results suggested that the intracellular polyphosphate level was positively correlated with the cesium accumulation level in ${it D. radiodurans}$.


Screening of cesium-accumulating mutant of radioresistant bacterium ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$ by ion beam breeding technology

佐藤 勝也; 上田 涼史郎*; 長谷 純宏; 鳴海 一成*; 大野 豊

JAEA-Review 2015-022, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2014, P. 100, 2016/02

Bioremediation uses biological organisms to solve an environmental problem. However, microorganisms are sometimes not enough effective to achieve efficient recovery. Therefore, enhancing the functionality of microorganisms is needed to promote the active use of bioremediation. This study began with the purpose of development of Cs-accumulating bacteria by ion beam breeding technology. Previously, we suggested that ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$ is the most suitable species for the development of high Cs-accumulating bacteria by ion beam breeding technology. Candidates of Cs-accumulating mutant were screened from the mutagenized cells by ion beam breeding technology on the basis of the luminescent intensity and the cell area as indicators of intracellular Cs level and cell growth, respectively. As a result, we obtained 33 candidates, whose Cs-accumulating abilities were over 2-fold higher than that of the wild-type, from the population of mutagenized cells.


Temperature and composition phase diagram in the iron-based ladder compounds Ba$$_{1-x}$$Cs$$_{x}$$Fe$$_{2}$$Se$$_{3}$$

羽合 孝文*; 南部 雄亮*; 大串 研也*; Du, F.*; 平田 靖透*; Avdeev, M.*; 上床 美也; 関根 由莉奈; 深澤 裕; Ma, J.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 91(18), p.184416_1 - 184416_11, 2015/05

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:56.79(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Genome analysis of high ethyl caproate producing sake yeasts generated by ion beam breeding

増渕 隆*; 日向 弘和*; 上田 涼史郎; 林 秀謙*; 池永 裕*; 佐藤 勝也; 大野 豊

JAEA-Review 2014-050, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2013, P. 123, 2015/03

We analyzed genome sequence of the high ethyl caproate producing sake yeast mutant (No.227) generated by ion beam breeding in order to investigated factors contributing the reduced ability to alcohol fermentation. In the high ethyl caproate producing sake yeast, four pyruvate decarboxylase genes (PDC), six alcohol dehydrogenase genes (ADH), two biotin synthesis genes (BIO) and chitinase gene (CTS1) might be involved in the reduced ability to alcohol fermentation. The genome sequence of the strain No.227 was determined by a whole-genome shotgun strategy using pyrosequencing method and compared with the whole-genome sequence of the sake yeast strain Kyokai 7, which is characterized by the fermentation property, as a reference sequence. For the PDC, ADH, BIO and CTS1 loci, no mutation was found in the strain No.227, suggesting that these genes did not involved in the reduced ability to alcohol fermentation.


Development of cesium-accumulating bacteria by ion beam breeding technology

佐藤 勝也; 上田 涼史郎; 長谷 純宏; 鳴海 一成*; 大野 豊

JAEA-Review 2014-050, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2013, P. 117, 2015/03

Bioremediation uses biological organisms to solve an environmental problem. However, microorganisms are sometimes not enough effective to achieve efficient recovery. Therefore, enhancing the functionality of microorganisms is needed to promote the active use of bioremediation. This study began with the purpose of development of Cs-accumulating bacteria by ion beam breeding technology. We investigated which members are better suited for Cs-accumulation in the genus ${it Deinococcus}$ (${it D. radiodurans}$, ${it D. grandis}$, ${it D. proteolyticus}$, ${it D. radiopugnans}$, ${it D. geothermalis}$ and ${it D. murrayi}$) exhibit extraordinary radioresistant. The Cs concentration in the ${it Deinococcus}$ cells exhibited over 4-fold compared with that of the ${it E. coli}$ by atomic absorption spectrometer analysis. This result suggested that ${it D. radiodurans}$ and ${it D. grandis}$ are best two suitable species for the development of high Cs-accumulating bacteria by ion beam breeding technology.


Molecular analysis of polyphosphate biosynthesis-related genes in ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$

上田 涼史郎; 佐藤 勝也; 林 秀謙*; 鳴海 一成*; 大野 豊

JAEA-Review 2014-050, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2013, P. 118, 2015/03

It is suggesting a possibility that the polyphosphate granules in cells could accumulate harmful metal ions such as radiocesium to protect the cells from cytotoxicity. ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$ has been considered as a microorganism for bioremediation under highly radioactive contaminated environments. We generated the polyphosphate biosynthesis-related genes (${it ppk}$ and ${it ppx}$) disruptant strains and characterized their disruption effect to clarify the role of polyphosphate for the accumulation of cesium in ${it D. radiodurans}$. The intracellular levels of polyphosphates in the ${it ppk}$ disruptant and overexpressing strains were almost same and slightly increased, respectively. On other hand, the intracellular level of polyphosphates significantly increased in the ${it ppx}$ disruptant strains, suggesting that the ${it ppx}$gene plays an important role in the accumulation of polyphosphate in ${it D. radiodurans}$.


Two-dimensional charge fluctuation in $$beta$$-Na$$_{0.33}$$V$$_{2}$$O$$_{5}$$

大和田 謙二; 山内 徹*; 藤井 保彦*; 上田 寛*

Physical Review B, 85(13), p.134102_1 - 134102_4, 2012/04

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:39.97(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Block magnetism coupled with local distortion in the iron-based spin-ladder compound BaFe$$_{2}$$Se$$_{3}$$

南部 雄亮*; 大串 研也*; 鈴木 俊平*; Du, F.*; Avdeev, M.*; 上床 美也*; 宗像 孝司*; 深澤 裕; Chi, S.*; 上田 寛*; et al.

Physical Review B, 85(6), p.064413_1 - 064413_5, 2012/02

 被引用回数:78 パーセンタイル:91.97(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Universal magnetic structure of the half-magnetization phase in Cr-based spinels

松田 雅昌; 大山 研司*; 吉居 俊輔*; 野尻 浩之*; Frings, P.*; Duc, F.*; Vignolle, B.*; Rikken, G. L. J. A.*; Regnault, L.-P.*; Lee, S.-H.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 104(4), p.047201_1 - 047201_4, 2010/01

 被引用回数:28 パーセンタイル:76.58(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Using an elastic neutron scattering technique under a pulsed magnetic field up to 30 T, we determined the magnetic structure in the half-magnetization plateau phase in the spinel CdCr$$_2$$O$$_4$$. The magnetic structure has a cubic $$P$$4$$_3$$32 symmetry, which is the same as that observed in HgCr$$_2$$O$$_4$$. This suggests that despite their different zero-field ground states a universal field induced spin-lattice coupling mechanism is at work in the Cr-based spinels.


Controlling the phase matching conditions of optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification using partially deuterated KDP

小川 奏; 末田 敬一*; 赤羽 温; 青山 誠; 辻 公一; 藤岡 加奈*; 金邉 忠*; 山川 考一; 宮永 憲明*

Optics Express (Internet), 17(10), p.7744 - 7749, 2009/05

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:53.52(Optics)



Spectroscopic characterization of ultrashort laser driven targets incorporating both Boltzmann and particle-in-cell models

Sherrill, M. E.*; Abdallah, J.*; Csanak, G.*; Dodd, E. S.*; 福田 祐仁; 赤羽 温; 青山 誠; 井上 典洋*; 上田 英樹*; 山川 考一; et al.

High-Power Laser Ablation VII (Proceedings of SPIE Vol.7005), p.70051R_1 - 70051R_11, 2008/06

A model that solves simultaneously both the electron and atomic kinetics was used to generate synthetic X-ray spectra to characterize high intensity ultrashort-laser-driven target experiments. A particle-in-cell simulation was used to model the laser interaction for both cluster and foil targets and provided the initial electron energy distribution function (EEDF) for a Boltzmann solver. Though this model suggests that both Ar cluster and Ti foil plasmas are held in a highly non-equilibrium state for both the EEDF and the ion level populations for several picoseconds, the spectral line features of the foil experiment was shown to evolve too quickly to be seen by current ultrafast time resolved spectrometers.


NaV$$_{2}$$O$$_{5}$$の逐次電荷不均化による悪魔の花; 悪魔の花を咲かせるIsingスピンの詳細と競合する相互作用の理解

大和田 謙二; 藤井 保彦; 村岡 次郎*; 中尾 裕則*; 村上 洋一*; 野田 幸男*; 大隅 寛幸*; 池田 直*; 菖蒲 敬久; 礒部 正彦*; et al.

放射光, 21(2), p.87 - 96, 2008/03

常圧下で電荷不均化を示すNaV$$_{2}$$O$$_{5}$$の温度圧力相図上で「悪魔の花」が観測された。われわれは、X線構造解析的手法と電荷配列に敏感な共鳴X線回折法の相補利用により、低圧側と高圧側に現われる二つの基底状態の構造の関係を電荷配列も含めて明らかにした。その結果、二つの等価な電荷配列パターンがNaV$$_{2}$$O$$_{5}$$におけるIsingスピンに対応し、それに付随する原子変位はIsingスピンに線型に結合したものであることがわかった。このことからNaV$$_{2}$$O$$_{5}$$において、逐次電荷不均化による悪魔の花が実現されていると結論した。またわれわれは、競合する相互作用の起源がIsing spin-phonon結合によるものであると推測した。



牛草 健吉; 関 昌弘; 二宮 博正; 乗松 孝好*; 鎌田 裕; 森 雅博; 奥野 清; 柴沼 清; 井上 多加志; 坂本 慶司; et al.

原子力ハンドブック, p.906 - 1029, 2007/11



Structural relations between two ground states of NaV$$_{2}$$O$$_{5}$$ under high pressure; A Synchrotron X-ray diffraction study

大和田 謙二; 藤井 保彦; 村岡 次郎*; 中尾 裕則*; 村上 洋一; 野田 幸男*; 大隅 寛幸*; 池田 直*; 菖蒲 敬久; 礒部 正彦*; et al.

Physical Review B, 76(9), p.094113_1 - 094113_10, 2007/09

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:43.76(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

ANNNI(Axial Next Nearest Neighbor Ising)物質, NaV$$_{2}$$O$$_{5}$$の基底状態C$$_{1/4}$$, C$$_{0}$$相の構造的関係をX線回折で調べた。C$$_{0}$$相の構造はC$$_{1/4}$$相の4層(AAA'A')の一つ(AもしくはA')で説明できることがわかった。ただし、原子変位は27%にまで押さえられる。一方、電荷秩序は完全に起きている。このことは電荷格子結合定数が圧力によって変わっていることを示しており、悪魔の相図を生み出す競合する相互作用比の変化の起源を考えるうえで興味深い。


Spin-lattice instability to a fractional magnetization state in the spinel HgCr$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$

松田 雅昌; 植田 浩明*; 吉川 明子*; 田中 良和*; 勝又 紘一*; 鳴海 康雄*; 稲見 俊哉; 上田 寛*; Lee, S.-H.*

Nature Physics, 3(6), p.397 - 400, 2007/06

 被引用回数:107 パーセンタイル:93.19(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

フラストレート反強磁性体は、磁性と構造の自由度が相互に深くかかわり合い、興味ある現象を示すことが大きな特徴である。特にACr$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$(A=Hg, Cd)は磁場中の広い領域で磁化1/2のプラトー状態を示すことが磁化の研究から明らかになっている。この現象はスピン格子相互作用に起因していることが理論的研究から示唆されていたが、実験はまだ行われていなかった。われわれは、HgCr$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$粉末を用いて磁場中での中性子回折実験とX線回折実験を行った。その結果、プラトー状態ではP4$$_{3}$$32の対称性を持つ磁気構造が安定になるように結晶構造もP4$$_{3}$$32の対称性を持つ構造に転移することを明らかにした。これは、フラストレート反強磁性体における強いスピン-格子相互作用をあらわす重要な結果である。

80 件中 1件目~20件目を表示