WAZA-ARI; Computational dosimetry system for X-ray CT examinations, 1; Radiation transport calculation for organ and tissue doses evaluation using JM phantom
WAZA-ARI; X線CT検査のための線量計算システム,1; JMファントムを用いた臓器・組織線量評価のための放射線輸送計算
高橋 史明 ; 佐藤 薫 ; 遠藤 章 ; 小野 孝二*; 吉武 貴康*; 長谷川 隆幸*; 勝沼 泰*; 伴 信彦*; 甲斐 倫明*
Takahashi, Fumiaki; Sato, Kaoru; Endo, Akira; Ono, Koji*; Yoshitake, Takayasu*; Hasegawa, Takayuki*; Katsunuma, Yasushi*; Ban, Nobuhiko*; Kai, Michiaki*
A web-system of WAZA-ARI is being developed to assess radiation dose to a patient in a Computed Tomography (CT) examination. WAZA-ARI utilizes a set of organ and tissue doses in a database for the dose assessment, according to the given resources with a consideration of the examination condition. The organ and tissue doses in the database have been derived with the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System, PHITS. Modeling of the patient was a significant issue in the radiation transport calculation. JM phantom, whose height (171 cm) and weight (65 kg) are near to those averaged over Japanese male adults, was incorporated to PHITS as a human model. Since JM phantom consisted of about 1 mm size voxel, the shapes could be realistically reproduced even for small organs such as thyroid, adrenals. Masses of most organs could be also adjusted to the averaged values of Japanese male adults. In addition, our calculations introduced a new phantom without arms based upon JM phantom, because the patient usually puts arms toward the head direction in a torso examination. Some of organ doses calculated by JM phantom were compared with results, which were derived with a MIRD-type phantom. Differences could be seen in some organ doses between the phantoms, if photon attenuations in a shaping (Bow-tie) filter were taken into account to a source model in PHITS.