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Natural analogues of cement; Overview of the unique systems in Jordan

セメントのナチュラルアナログ; ヨルダンにおけるユニークな系の概要

亀井 玄人 ; Alexander, W. R.*; Clark, I. D.*; Degnan, P.*; Elie, M.*; Khoury, H.*; Mader, U.*; Milodowski, A. E.*; Pitty, A. F.*; Salameh, E.*; Smellie, J. A. T.*; Techer, I.*; Trotignon, L.*

Kamei, Gento; Alexander, W. R.*; Clark, I. D.*; Degnan, P.*; Elie, M.*; Khoury, H.*; Mader, U.*; Milodowski, A. E.*; Pitty, A. F.*; Salameh, E.*; Smellie, J. A. T.*; Techer, I.*; Trotignon, L.*

The safety assessment implications of the novel data from the Jordan Natural Analogue Study, which looked into interaction of natural cementitious hyperalkaline leachates on repository host rocks and clays, are presented. For example, Maqarin site in northern Jordan represents repository host rocks with advective groundwater systems. Hydrogeological, hydrochemical and structural data collected on the fractured rock at the site has been used to assess the likely implications of hyperalkaine leachate interaction on the long-term flow conditions in similar repository host rocks.



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