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 年 ~ 


Crystal structure and physical properties of RFe$$_{0.56}$$Ti$$_{0.44}$$O$$_{3}$$(R=Lu,Yb)

星山 卓也*; 森 茂生*; 松尾 祥史*; 船江 岳史*; 神戸 高志*; 池田 直*; 君塚 昇*; 吉井 賢資  ; 道上 勇一*

Hoshiyama, Takuya*; Mori, Shigeo*; Matsuo, Yoji*; Funae, Takeshi*; Kambe, Takashi*; Ikeda, Naoshi*; Kimizuka, Noboru*; Yoshii, Kenji; Michiue, Yuichi*


We have investigated the crystal structure and physical properties of RFe$$_{0.56}$$Ti$$_{0.44}$$O$$_{3}$$(R=Lu,Yb). The samples were prepared by the solid-state reaction method in air. X-ray and electron diffraction measurements showed that the materials have the same crystal structure as that of multiferroic RMnO$$_{3}$$. Magnetic measurements showed the absence of magnetic transition below 400 K. Dielectric measurements showed the peak of dielectric constant above room temperature, suggesting a existence of ferroelectric phase transition at high temperatures.



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