Superconductivities on a compositional graded material, 2
岡安 悟
; 西尾 太一郎*; 小野 正雄
; 中井 宣之; 林 伸彦*; 町田 昌彦
; 井口 裕介*; 真下 茂
Okayasu, Satoru; Nishio, Taichiro*; Ono, Masao; Nakai, Noriyuki; Hayashi, Nobuhiko*; Machida, Masahiko; Iguchi, Yusuke*; Mashimo, Tsutomu
Sedimentations of compositional atoms in solid can occur in a nonequilibrium diffusion under extremely strong centrifugal acceleration field (mega gravity). Under the mega gravity field, heavy atoms move along the field direction. Once the field is released, the composition of the atoms are fixed. Thus, the compositionally graded materials can be generated. In a Indium-lead alloy, an example of a complete solid solution, a spatially graded material can be formed in entire sample. This means that material parameter can be controlled in atomic level. In the InPb case, the local supeconducting transition temperatures of the sample change continuously. The superconducting properties of the sample will be discussed.