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Commissioning of the engineering materials diffractometer TAKUMI of J-PARC


Harjo, S.   ; 伊藤 崇芳; 相澤 一也  ; 阿部 淳; 有馬 寛; 盛合 敦; 中谷 健 ; 坂佐井 馨  ; 中村 龍也  ; 新井 正敏; 神山 崇

Harjo, S.; Ito, Takayoshi; Aizawa, Kazuya; Abe, Jun; Arima, Hiroshi; Moriai, Atsushi; Nakatani, Takeshi; Sakasai, Kaoru; Nakamura, Tatsuya; Arai, Masatoshi; Kamiyama, Takashi

The Engineering Materials Diffractometer TAKUMI is designed and has been constructed at MLF of J-PARC to conduct various kinds of researches on materials science and engineering and to promote industrial applications, related with strain measurements. The commissioning of TAKUMI has been started from September 2008, and several user programs have been done. The commissioning began from operation tests of detectors and data acquisition system, evaluation of instrument resolution and several experiments. In this report, we will present the design concept and commissioning results of TAKUMI.



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