An Electron-beam irradiation/catalytic oxidation system for purification of aromatic hydrocarbons/air mixture under practical gas-flow condition
箱田 照幸; 島田 明彦; 木村 敦; 田口 光正; 須郷 由美; 荒木 浩史*; Dally, E. B.*; 広田 耕一
Hakoda, Teruyuki; Shimada, Akihiko; Kimura, Atsushi; Taguchi, Mitsumasa; Sugo, Yumi; Araki, Koshi*; Dally, E. B.*; Hirota, Koichi
An electron-beam (EB) irradiation/catalytic oxidation system was developed for the purification of a volatile organic compounds (VOC) gas stream under a practical gas flow condition. This system consists of a compact-sized electron accelerator and an ozone decomposition catalyst, which is MnO. The decomposition of toluene and/or xylene and their mineralization were examined with and without catalytic oxidation for a gas stream at a flow rate of 500 Nm/h. A combined catalyst bed enhanced the decomposition of VOCs and the mineralization of VOC and its irradiation organic byproducts. For example, the mineralization ratio for a 5-ppmv toluene/xylene/air mixture increased from 42% by EB irradiation to 100% by the combination treatment at 9.3 kGy. Furthermore, the yield of CO relative to CO increased from 59% to 85% by this catalytic treatment.