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 年 ~ 

Intermediate valence state in Cd-Mg-Yb quasicrystal


綿貫 徹; 川名 大地; 町田 晃彦; Tsai, A. P.*

Watanuki, Tetsu; Kawana, Daichi; Machida, Akihiko; Tsai, A. P.*


Recently, we found that Cd-Yb quasicrystal takes an intermediate valence state under pressure, and also found that the valence of quasiperiodically arranged Yb is controllable by pressure. In this study we aimed to find a quasicrystal that shows more sensitive valence change upon compression. We focused on Cd-Mg-Yb quasicrystal and measured the Yb valence under pressure by using Yb-LIII edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The Yb valence increased much more sensitively upon compression than Cd-Yb case by a factor two. One reason is Cd-Mg-Yb is more compressive, which results in showing more sensitive pressure effect.



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