※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

重粒子による水の放射線分解; 水分解ラジカルの空間分布とダイナミクス

Water radiolysis with heavy ions; Spatial distributions and dynamics of water radicals

山下 真一; 勝村 庸介; 前山 拓哉*; Meesungnoen, J.*; Jay-Gerin, J.-P.*; Baldacchino, G.*; 村上 健*

Yamashita, Shinichi; Katsumura, Yosuke; Maeyama, Takuya*; Meesungnoen, J.*; Jay-Gerin, J.-P.*; Baldacchino, G.*; Murakami, Takeshi*


Although water is one of the most ubiquitous molecules as well as a main component of human body, understanding of water radiolysis is not always sufficient. Among many types of ionizing radiations, heavy ions deposit their energies very densely, resulting in distinctive following processes. Comprehension of water radiolysis itself is essential to consider indirect actions of ionizing radiations. Moreover, energy deposition distributions in water is related to that in/on biomolecules including DNA, proteins, and so on, and spatial distributions and temporal behaviors of water radicals give a clue to think over the fate of DNA damage produced within several nanoseconds. In this presentation, yields of water decomposition products which have been measured at HIMAC will be introduced in comparison to one of the most advanced Monte-Carlo simulation.



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