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 年 ~ 

Array-type sensors to determine corrosive conditions in high temperature water under $$gamma$$ ray irradiation


佐藤 智徳  ; 塚田 隆 ; 内田 俊介; 加藤 千明   

Sato, Tomonori; Tsukada, Takashi; Uchida, Shunsuke; Kato, Chiaki


Potential of the metal plates with stable oxide films on their surfaces show stable values in high temperature water. As a result of the combination of their potential values, ECP of each metal can be determined without any specific reference electrode. In order to confirm the feasibility of this concept, responses of the redox potentials of the pure metals to changes in the simulated BWR reactor water conditions were measured and the ECP was determined by the differences in potentials between a couple of metal plates. It was estimated that the redox potential of highly soluble metal may be increased, while that of low solubile metal may be decreased by an oxide film. The stable oxide film would cause the stable potential response of the electrode with oxide film. The feasibility of the concept for a new array-type sensor to determine the ECP was confirmed by the comparison between the ECP obtained by the array-type sensor and the measured ECP.



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