3級ピリジン型樹脂の再処理適用のための塩酸系耐食材料の評価,5; Ti-0.15Pd及びTaライニング材の塩酸耐食性評価
Metal corrosion evaluation in hydrochloric acid media on tertiary pyridine-type resin applying to fuel reprocessing system, 5; Corrosion evaluation of Ti-0.15Pd and Ta-lining metals in hydrochloric acid media
小山 真一
; 小澤 正基*; 藤井 靖彦; 黒澤 きよ子*; 花本 行生*; 蓼沼 克嘉*; 鈴木 達也*
Koyama, Shinichi; Ozawa, Masaki*; Fujii, Yasuhiko; Kurosawa, Kiyoko*; Hanamoto, Yukio*; Tatenuma, Katsuyoshi*; Suzuki, Tatsuya*
In order to develop a separation process using tetriary pyridine-type resin, Ti-0.5Ps, Ta-lining Ti-0.15Pd and Ta-lining hastelloy-B were selected as candidate materials toward HCl solution used as solvent in this system. Immersion test in 12M pure HCl solution at RT was carried out. And immersion test, exposure test and electrochemical measurement in 7M HLLW-simulated HCl solution at RT and 90 deg. C were performed. As a result, all the materials show anti-corrosive property at the corrosion rate less than 1mm/y, except for Ti-0.5Pd in 12M pure HCl condition.