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 年 ~ 

Computational analysis of mean-quality factors inside astronauts for various flight conditions using PHITS


佐藤 達彦   ; 遠藤 章   ; Sihver, L.*; 仁井田 浩二*

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Endo, Akira; Sihver, L.*; Niita, Koji*


We estimated the doses and dose equivalents for various organs by multiplying the fluence-to-dose conversion coefficients in the units of Gy.cm$$^{2}$$ and Sv.cm$$^{2}$$, respectively, with cosmic-ray fluxes inside spacecraft. The cosmic-ray fluxes were calculated by the PHITS code for various flight conditions, changing the shielding thickness and the altitude of spacecraft as well as the solar modulation. The accuracy of this calculation procedure was well verified in our previous papers [3,4]. Based on these results, the dependences of the mean quality factors on the flight conditions were analyzed. It is found from the analysis that the mean quality factors are approximately 2.1 for a typical flight condition, and become larger with increase of the shielding thickness and decrease of the flight altitudes.



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