Stress corrosion cracking behavior of type 304 stainless steel irradiated under different neutron dose rates at JMTR
加治 芳行 ; 近藤 啓悦 ; 青柳 吉輝; 加藤 佳明; 田口 剛俊 ; 高田 文樹; 中野 純一; 宇賀地 弘和 ; 塚田 隆 ; 高倉 賢一*; 坂本 博*
Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Kondo, Keietsu; Aoyagi, Yoshiteru; Kato, Yoshiaki; Taguchi, Taketoshi; Takada, Fumiki; Nakano, Junichi; Ugachi, Hirokazu; Tsukada, Takashi; Takakura, Kenichi*; Sakamoto, Hiroshi*
In order to investigate the effect of neutron dose rate on tensile property and irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) growth behavior, the crack growth rate (CGR) test, tensile test and microstructure observation have been conducted with type 304 stainless steel specimens. The specimens were irradiated in high temperature water simulating the temperature of boiling water reactor (BWR) up to about 1dpa with two different dose rates at the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR). The radiation hardening increased with the dose rate, but there was little effect on CGR. Increase of the yield strength of specimens irradiated with the low dose rate condition was caused by the increase of number density of frank loops. Little difference of radiation-induced segregation at grain boundaries was observed in specimens irradiated by different dose rates. Furthermore, there was little effect on local plastic deformation behavior near crack tip in the crystal plasticity simulation.