※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

中性子回折法による大口径配管溶接部の残留応力測定; 残留応力分布に及ぼすSCCき裂進展及び補修溶接の影響

Residual stress measurement of large scaled welded pipe using neutron diffraction method; Effect of SCC crack propagation and repair weld on residual stress distribution

鈴木 裕士  ; 勝山 仁哉  ; 飛田 徹; 森井 幸生*

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Katsuyama, Jinya; Tobita, Toru; Morii, Yukio*


The RESA-1 neutron engineering diffractometer in the JRR-3 (Japan Research Reactor No.3) at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, which is used for stress measurements, was upgraded to realize residual stress measurements of large scaled mechanical components. A series of residual stress measurements was made to obtain through-thickness residual stress distributions in a Type 304 stainless steel butt-welded pipe of 500A-sch.80 using the upgraded RESA-1 diffractometer. We evaluated effects of crack propagation such as stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and a part-circumference repair weld on the residual stress distributions induced by girth welding. Measured residual stress distributions near original girth weld revealed good agreement with typical results shown in some previous works using finite element method, deep hole drilling as well as neutron diffraction. After introducing a mock crack with 10 mm depth in heat affected zone on the inside wall of the pipe by electro discharge method, the axial residual stresses were found to be released in the part of the mock crack. However, changes in the through-wall bending stress component and the self-equilibrated stress component were negligible and hence the axial residual stress distribution in the ligament was remained in the original residual stresses near girth weld without the mock crack. Furthermore, changes in hoop and radial residual stress were also small. The residual stress distributions after a part repair welding on outer circumference of girth weld were significantly different from residual stress distributions near the original girth weld. Membrane residual stress was increased in the axial direction since the bending moment near the heat affected zone was changed due to repair weld. Throughout above studies, we evidenced that the neutron diffraction technique is useful and powerful tool for measuring residual stress distributions in large as well as thick mechanical components.



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