INIS-based Japanese literature materials of bibliographic tools for human resource development
国井 克彦; 權田 真幸 ; 池田 貴儀; 長屋 俊; 板橋 慶造; 中嶋 英充 ; 峯尾 幸信
Kunii, Katsuhiko; Gonda, Mayuki; Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Nagaya, Shun; Itabashi, Keizo; Nakajima, Hidemitsu; Mineo, Yukinobu
The Library of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has developed two Japanese literature materials of bibliographic tools based on the International Nuclear Information System (INIS) of the IAEA which contains over 3.3 million records of 127 countries and 24 international organizations. These materials have been elaborated by appropriately designating Japanese terminology of nuclear field corresponding with English terminology or vice versa. One is "Transliterated Japanese journal title list" and the other is "INIS Thesaurus in Japanese". While the former is served as a reference that enables users to access articles of Japanese journals better matching their needs, the latter is served as a dictionary to bridge the gap on nuclear field terminologies between over 30,000 English terms and Japanese terms which correspond with those in a semantic manner. The application of those materials to the INIS's full text collection over 280,000 of technical reports, proceedings etc. as an archive is helpful for enhancement of human resource development. The authors describe the effectiveness of those INIS-based materials with bibliographic references of Fukushima Daiichi NPS accident.