Single-crystal neutron diffraction study of pseudo single crystal prepared from microcrystalline powder
木村 史子*; 木村 恒久*; 松本 賢司*; 目時 直人
Kimura, Fumiko*; Kimura, Tsunehisa*; Matsumoto, Kenji*; Metoki, Naoto
Single-crystal neutron diffraction analysis of an L-alanine pseudo single crystal (PSC, a composite in which microcrystals are aligned three-dimensionally) prepared from its powder is presented. Microcrystals of L-alanine were suspended in an ultraviolet-curable resin precursor and subjected to three-dimensional magnetic alignment, followed by consolidation of the resin precursor to fix the achieved alignment. A cylindrical PSC of diameter ca. 8 mm and height 10 mm was obtained and then subjected to neutron diffraction measurements. Pole figures measured at (040), (120), and (002) planes showed sharp peaks, demonstrating three-dimensional alignment of microcrystals. Scans were performed for 31 diffraction peaks whose intensities showed good agreement with calculation results. The present study showed the potential use of the PSC method in single-crystalneutron diffraction analysis when a large crystal is not available.