高速炉MOX燃料用酸素ゲッター材の開発,4; チタンペレット方式の検討
Development of oxygen getter materials for FBR MOX fuel, 4; Study for the titanium pellet option
森平 正之 ; 水迫 文樹*; 永田 章人*; 高安 輝樹*
Morihira, Masayuki; Mizusako, Fumiki*; Nagata, Akito*; Takayasu, Teruki*
Cladding inner corrosion is one of the life controlling factors of FBR MOX fuels and it depends on the oxygen potential in a fuel element. The oxygen getter method is idea way to locate metal fragments in a fuel element as an excess oxygen absorber. Since almost nothing has been reported concerning the application of an oxygen getter in pellet type fuels, conceptual development of the oxygen getter for pellet type MOX fuel and a feasibility study has been conducted. In the previous study, titanium was chosen as the most promising candidate material. Concerning the method to install the getter material in a fuel element, an option to locate titanium pellets in the upper axial blanket region was proposed. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the smear density. To realize it, the titanium roll pellet option was proposed. In this study, producibility of titanium roll pellets and their oxidation behavior were evaluated. Additional oxidation data for titanium was also obtained.