※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Signature inversion in the 7/2$$^-$$[503] band of $$^{185}$$Pt


Li, G. S.*; Zhou, X. H.*; Zhang, Y. H.*; Zheng, Y.*; Liu, M. L.*; Hua, W.*; Zhou, H. B.*; Ding, B.*; Wang, H. X.*; Lei, X. G.*; Zhang, S. Q.*; Shi, Y.*; Meng, J.*; Xu, F. R.*; 大島 真澄; 藤 暢輔   ; 小泉 光生 ; 長 明彦  ; 初川 雄一; 菅原 昌彦*

Li, G. S.*; Zhou, X. H.*; Zhang, Y. H.*; Zheng, Y.*; Liu, M. L.*; Hua, W.*; Zhou, H. B.*; Ding, B.*; Wang, H. X.*; Lei, X. G.*; Zhang, S. Q.*; Shi, Y.*; Meng, J.*; Xu, F. R.*; Oshima, Masumi; Toh, Yosuke; Koizumi, Mitsuo; Osa, Akihiko; Hatsukawa, Yuichi; Sugawara, Masahiko*


High-spin states in $$^{185}$$Pt have been investigated by means of in beam $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopic method at the JAEA tandem facility. Low-spin signature inversion is revealed in the 7/2$$^-$$[503] band. The inversion can be interpreted as a configuration change from the 7/2$$^-$$[503] orbital to the 7/2$$^-$$[514] orbital with increasing spin, which is supported by a theoretical calculation of the semi-classical Donau and Frauendorf approach.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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