A Round robin program of master curve evaluation using miniature C(T) specimens; First round robin test on uniform specimens of reactor pressure vessel materials
微小C(T)試験片を用いたマスターカーブ評価のラウンドロビン計画; 原子炉圧力容器鋼材の共通試験片による第1次ラウンドロビン試験
山本 真人*; 木村 晃彦*; 鬼沢 邦雄 ; 吉本 賢太郎*; 小川 琢矢*; 千葉 篤志*; 平野 隆*; 杉原 卓司*; 杉山 正成*; 三浦 直樹*; 曾根田 直樹*
Yamamoto, Masato*; Kimura, Akihiko*; Onizawa, Kunio; Yoshimoto, Kentaro*; Ogawa, Takuya*; Chiba, Atsushi*; Hirano, Takashi*; Sugihara, Takuji*; Sugiyama, Masanari*; Miura, Naoki*; Soneda, Naoki*
Master curve (MC) approach for the fracture toughness evaluation is expected to be a powerful tool to assess the structural integrity of reactor pressure vessels (RPVs). In order to get sufficient number of reliable data for the MC approach from broken halves of surveillance test specimens for RPVs, the use of miniature specimens is necessary. For this purpose, a round robin test program on the miniature compact tension specimens (Mini-CT) of 4 mm thick for the MC approach of a Japanese RPV steel has been launched with the participation of academia, industries and a research institute in Japan. The program aims to verify the reliability of experimental data from Mini-CT, and to pick out further investigation items to be solved. As the first step of this program, four institutes carried out MC testing and evaluation using common test procedure and specimens. Valid reference temperature T was successfully obtained in each institute. However, the T values showed large differences with maximum of 34C. It was indicated on the reason of difference that there is a strong correlation between the T values and loading rate, which was selected by each institute per test standard.