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 年 ~ 

Developing protocol for screening of drought/salt tolerant mutants with ion-beam mutagenesis in poplar (${it Populus nigra}$ L. var. ${it italica}$ Koehne)

イオンビーム変異誘発による耐塩・耐乾性ポプラ(${it Populus nigra}$ L. var. ${it italica}$ Koehne)スクリーニングのためのプロトコールの開発

Biswas, K.; 鳴海 一成; 大野 豊; 毛利 武*; 古川原 聡*

Biswas, K.; Narumi, Issei; Ono, Yutaka; Mori, Takeshi*; Kogawara, Satoshi*

For screening of drought/salt tolerant poplar mutants, ${it in vitro}$ regeneration system had been established. About 87% of the shoot explants produced regenerated shoots in shoot regeneration medium, whereas 77% regenerated shoots developed roots in root induction medium. Survival rate of the regenerated plants in soil was about 88%.Suitable dose of ion beams to screen mutants ranged between 2.5 Gy to 3 Gy for shoot explants in poplar. ${it In vitro}$ regenerated wild type poplar shoots did not develop any root system in rooting medium supplemented by 75 mM NaCl. Thus, the initial goal of this study to screen drought/salt tolerant mutants could be achieved by the use of well-established ion-beam facilities at Japan Atomic Energy Agency.



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