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Developing protocol for screening of drought/salt tolerant mutants with ion beam mutagenesis in ${it Populus}$ sp.

Biswas, K.; 毛利 武*; 古川原 聡*; 鳴海 一成; 大野 豊

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 100, 2013/01

Poplars are economically important trees that are favored for plantation forestry due to their capacity for rapid juvenile growth, which allows us to harvest them in a short span of time. However the rapid growth of poplar is dependent on access to plantation sites with sufficient water and this is problematic, particularly in less rainfall area. The patterns of episodic drought over the last decade suggest that the development of drought tolerant mutant plants could be a promising approach to increase sustained vegetation biomass and forest productivity. In this study, a forward genetics approach has been taken for developing drought/salt tolerant mutants by means of ion beams and in vitro regeneration system in ${it Populus}$.


An Improved system for shoot regeneration from stem explants of Lombardy poplar (${it Populus nigra}$ L. var. ${it italica}$ Koehne)

Biswas, K.; 毛利 武*; 古川原 聡*; 長谷 純宏; 鳴海 一成; 大野 豊

American Journal of Plant Sciences, 3(9), p.1181 - 1186, 2012/09

We developed a system for the regeneration of Lombardy poplar (${it Populus nigra}$ L. var. ${it italica}$) shoots from internodal stem explants. Using this system, shoots regenerated from 87% of the stem explants placed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid and 0.5 mg/L benzylaminopurine without undergoing callus formation. About 80% of the ${it in vitro}$ regenerated shoots developed roots on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L indole-3-butyric acid and 0.02 mg/L 1-naphthylacetic acid. The protocol presented here is simple and economical because it does not rely on pre-incubation in callus induction medium or repeated subculture in shoot induction medium containing ${it trans}$-zeatin, an expensive substance. The ${it in vitro}$ regeneration system presented here could be used for evaluation of radiation sensitivity for Lombardy poplar tissues.


Developing protocol for screening of drought/salt tolerant mutants with ion-beam mutagenesis in poplar (${it Populus nigra}$ L. var. ${it italica}$ Koehne)

Biswas, K.; 鳴海 一成; 大野 豊; 毛利 武*; 古川原 聡*

no journal, , 

For screening of drought/salt tolerant poplar mutants, ${it in vitro}$ regeneration system had been established. About 87% of the shoot explants produced regenerated shoots in shoot regeneration medium, whereas 77% regenerated shoots developed roots in root induction medium. Survival rate of the regenerated plants in soil was about 88%.Suitable dose of ion beams to screen mutants ranged between 2.5 Gy to 3 Gy for shoot explants in poplar. ${it In vitro}$ regenerated wild type poplar shoots did not develop any root system in rooting medium supplemented by 75 mM NaCl. Thus, the initial goal of this study to screen drought/salt tolerant mutants could be achieved by the use of well-established ion-beam facilities at Japan Atomic Energy Agency.


Lombardy poplar (${it Populus nigra}$ L. var. ${it italica}$) an important woody plant species for ionizing-radiation mutagenesis

Biswas, K.; 長谷 純宏; 鳴海 一成; 大野 豊; 毛利 武*; 古川原 聡*

no journal, , 

${it Populus}$ spp. are widely employed worldwide for windbreaks and landscaping beside potential to enhance wood supplies for the plywood, hardboard, pulp, paper industries and various other purposes. Here, we present a system of screening salt/drought tolerant mutants with a combination of in vitro regeneration and ionizing-radiation mutagenesis in poplar. About 87% of the shoot explants produced shoots in shoot regeneration medium, whereas 77% regenerated shoots developed roots in root induction medium. Dose response relationship curve with in vitro regenerate shoots were establish for ion beams and $$gamma$$ rays. As shoulder point, 2.5 Gy of ion beams and 5 Gy of $$gamma$$ rays seem to be effective for mutagenic treatment to regenerate shoots.


Developing protocol for screening of salt/drought tolerant mutants by the combination of ${it in vitro}$ regeneration and ionizing-radiation mutagenesis to poplar (${it Populus nigra}$ L. var. ${it italica}$ Koehne)

Biswas, K.; 毛利 武*; 古川原 聡*; 長谷 純宏; 鳴海 一成; 大野 豊

no journal, , 

Development of suitable mutagenesis and screening system is necessary to isolate salt/drought tolerant mutants in hard wood plants, such as poplar. Here, we are introducing a specialized screening system with combination of ${it in vitro}$ regeneration and ion beam or $$gamma$$ ray irradiation. A high percentage of direct plant regeneration could be achieved from stem explants placed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid and benzylaminopurine. To optimize dosage for mutagenesis, dose response relationship curve for shoot regeneration ratio had been established. Initial screening of salt/drought tolerance could be achieved by observing the ability of root development of regenerated shoots in 75 mM NaCl-supplemented rooting medium because wild-type regenerated shoots failed to develop roots in this medium. Hopefully, our system will help to reduce existing limitations of screening mutants in hard wood plants having a long life cycle.

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