原子力施設の廃止措置に係る研究,2; AHPによる最適な解体シナリオの検討(共同研究)
Research on decommissioning of nuclear facilities, 2; Study on optimum scenario using the AHP (Joint research)
芝原 雄司; 石神 努; 森下 喜嗣 ; 柳原 敏*; 有田 裕二*
Shibahara, Yuji; Ishigami, Tsutomu; Morishita, Yoshitsugu; Yanagihara, Satoshi*; Arita, Yuji*
To implement a decommissioning project reasonably, it is necessary and important to beforehand evaluate project management data as well as to select an optimum dismantling scenario among various scenarios postulated. Little study on the subject of selecting an optimum scenario has been carried out, and it is one of the most important subjects in terms of decision making. In FY 2009, Japan Atomic Energy Agency and University of Fukui launched the joint research of a decision making method which is important to determine a decommissioning plan. The purpose of this research is to construct a methodology for selecting an optimum dismantling scenario among various scenarios postulated based on calculated results of project management data for FUGEN. Project management data for several dismantling scenarios postulated at FUGEN were evaluated based on actual dismantling work for feedwater heater at FUGEN, and an optimum scenario was discussed using the AHP, one of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Method. This report describes the results of the joint research in FY 2010.