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 年 ~ 

X-ray absorption near edge structure of ATP thin film irradiated with soft X-rays


藤井 健太郎; 藤井 紳一郎*; 加藤 大*; 月本 光俊*; 秋光 信佳*; 成田 あゆみ; 中島 隆文*; 井出 俊太*; Salam, K. A.*; 丹羽 修*; 横谷 明徳

Fujii, Kentaro; Fujii, Shinichiro*; Kato, Dai*; Tsukimoto, Mitsutoshi*; Akimitsu, Nobuyoshi*; Narita, Ayumi; Nakajima, Takafumi*; Ide, Shunta*; Salam, K. A.*; Niwa, Osamu*; Yokoya, Akinari

The purpose of this study is to reveal non-DNA target effects induced by ionizing radiation. We focused on radiation damage to ATP (adenosinetri-phosphate) molecule, which plays an important role in bio-energy metabolism. It has not been clarified yet whether there is a correlation between molecular alteration of ATP induced by irradiation and biological effect of damaged ATP. We measured the spectral change of X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) of ATP thin films before and after irradiation of soft X-rays. We observed an increment of the resonant peak at 399.5 eV by the 560 eV irradiation. The new peak production is expected to be originated from the protonation of the nucleobase (adenine residue) in ATP.



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