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How do we disseminate biofertilizers into Asian farmers' land ?


横山 正*; 安藤 象太郎*; 鳴海 一成; 大山 卓爾*

Yokoyama, Tadashi*; Ando, Shotaro*; Narumi, Issei; Oyama, Takuji*

Food supply for rapidly growing population in Asian countries is today's the most important challenge. We would fly a flag that biofertilizer is an alternative way as plant nutrition suppliers to replace expensive chemical nitrogen fertilizers. However, many people including researchers have an indecisive attitude on the effects of the biofertilizers, and they always point out that the effect of biofertilizers is sometimes unstable compared with chemical fertilizers. So, what are the factors of instability of biofertilizers? How do we control those constrains? In near future, for applying the biofertilizers into Asian farmers' lands, we have to answer against the uncertainty.



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