Information sharing framework among experts for facilitating development of fast reactors and fuel cycles
川久保 陽子; Hoffheins, B.; 井上 尚子
; Mongiello, R.*; Baldwin, G.*; Lee, N. Y.*
Kawakubo, Yoko; Hoffheins, B.; Inoue, Naoko; Mongiello, R.*; Baldwin, G.*; Lee, N. Y.*
Transparency in the peaceful use of nuclear energy is important as a measure to complement and reinforce International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards and promote international/ regional confidence building. Moreover, information sharing, a key component of confidence building, is essential for promoting the development of fast reactors and associated fuel cycles by enhancing transparency and encouraging understanding among non-proliferation experts. Currently, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is carrying out a joint project to design and establish an Information-Sharing Framework (ISF) for supporting and promoting nuclear transparency in the Asia Pacific region, in cooperation with Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), the Korean Institute for Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC), and Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). At present, requirements for planning and implementing ISF are under discussion to address inherent challenges that are recognized among project partners. This paper describes the current status of the development of requirements for ISF. The effort of the development is still underway, however; the requirements will be determined and demonstrated in the near future by project partners.