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Novel thienyl-dibenzothiophene oligomers end-capped by hexylphenyl groups as potential organic semiconductor materials


Duan, Z.*; Yang, Z.*; 星野 大樹*; 平尾 敏雄; 田口 光正; 大内 啓邦*; 柳 雄一郎*; 西岡 泰城*

Duan, Z.*; Yang, Z.*; Hoshino, Daiki*; Hirao, Toshio; Taguchi, Mitsumasa; Ouchi, Hirokuni*; Yanagi, Yuichiro*; Nishioka, Yasushiro*


$$pi$$-Conjugated polymers and oligomers are of interest for applications to organic light emitting diodes, solar cells, and organic field effect transistors because of their unique photo-electronic properties. Thienyl-dibenzothiophene oligomers end-capped by hexylphenyl groups, 2,8-bis[5-(4-n-hexylphenyl)-2-thienyl]dibenzothiophene and 3,7-bis[5-(4-nhexylphenyl)-2-thienyl]dibenzothiophene, were synthesized by Stille cross-coupling reactions. The photo-physical and electrochemical properties of the synthesized oligomers were investigated by Ultraviolet-visible and photoluminescence spectroscopy, cyclic voltammogram, and thermal analyses, and showed appropriate energy band gaps and low HOMO energy levels. The synthesized oligomers are promising candidate materials for durable organic electronic devices.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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