※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

High sensitive and reliable FFDL technique for sodium cooled fast reactor using laser resonance mass spectrometry


青山 卓史 ; 竹田 敏一*; 石川 高史 ; 岩田 圭弘   ; 伊藤 主税   ; 諸橋 裕子 

Aoyama, Takafumi; Takeda, Toshikazu*; Ishikawa, Takashi; Iwata, Yoshihiro; Ito, Chikara; Morohashi, Yuko


The high sensitivity FFDL technique for SFR has been developed using the RIMS method. The RIMS method was demonstrated by measuring the artificially blended xenon and krypton gas which was used for the pressurized steel capsule of in-pile creep rupture experiment in the experimental fast reactor Joyo. The measured isotopic ratio of xenon collected from the Joyo reactor cover gas by means of RIMS could successfully identify the ruptured capsule of which tag gas was contained. The RIMS was then applied for the proto type fast breeder reactor Monju. The RIMS system can also detect stable xenon nuclides and radioactive Xe-133 in the collected from the Joyo reactor cover gas during the fuel failure simulation test, implying that the RIMS can apply to assume the burn-up of the failed fuel subassembly by using the ratio of stable and radioactive xenon isotopes.



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