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$$gamma$$カメラによる福島第一2号機原子炉建屋オペレーティングフロアの汚染部位計測,2; $$gamma$$カメラの性能確認試験

Measurement of contamination distribution for operating floor of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 2 reactor building by $$gamma$$ camera, 2; Performance verification of the $$gamma$$ camera by pre-test

岡田 尚 ; 金山 文彦 ; 福嶋 峰夫; 吉元 勝起; 羽生 敏紀; 川野邊 崇之; 高橋 嘉明*; 及川 景晴*; 松本 康弘*; 岸 和良*; 阪上 知己*

Okada, Takashi; Kanayama, Fumihiko; Fukushima, Mineo; Yoshimoto, Katsunobu; Hanyu, Toshinori; Kawanobe, Takayuki; Takahashi, Yoshiaki*; Oikawa, Kageharu*; Matsumoto, Yasuhiro*; Kishi, Kazuyoshi*; Sakaue, Tomoki*


In order to measure contamination distribution for operating floor of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 2 reactor building by the $$gamma$$ camera which JAEA developed, the trial examination which determines a measurement condition was done.



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