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$$gamma$$カメラによる福島第一2号機原子炉建屋オペレーティングフロアの汚染部位計測,3; オペレーティングフロアの汚染部位計測及び解析評価

Measurement of contamination distribution for operating floor of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 2 reactor building by $$gamma$$ camera, 3; Measurement and analysis

福嶋 峰夫; 岡田 尚 ; 金山 文彦 ; 吉元 勝起; 羽生 敏紀; 川野邊 崇之; 高橋 嘉明*; 及川 景晴*; 松本 康弘*; 岸 和良*; 阪上 知己*

Fukushima, Mineo; Okada, Takashi; Kanayama, Fumihiko; Yoshimoto, Katsunobu; Hanyu, Toshinori; Kawanobe, Takayuki; Takahashi, Yoshiaki*; Oikawa, Kageharu*; Matsumoto, Yasuhiro*; Kishi, Kazuyoshi*; Sakaue, Tomoki*


Contamination distribution for operating floor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was measured from opened blow out panel using $$gamma$$ viewer "$$gamma$$-eyeII" developed by JAEA. It is obtained that one of the main contaminated area is on the reactor well and contamination level of the surface of west side floor is lower than lower limit level of detector.



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