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高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPuを生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究,15; 劣化ウラン-アメリシウムペレットの照射挙動予測

Blanket fuel with high proliferation resistance in fast breeder reactor, 15; Prediction of irradiation behavior of DU-Am pellets

芝 知宙*; 相楽 洋*; Han, C. Y.*; 齊藤 正樹*; 大西 貴士  ; 小山 真一  ; 前田 茂貴   

Shiba, Tomooki*; Sagara, Hiroshi*; Han, C. Y.*; Saito, Masaki*; Onishi, Takashi; Koyama, Shinichi; Maeda, Shigetaka


The design consideration of hypothetical depleted U and Am (DU-Am) oxide fuel pin was performed to produce Pu with high proliferation resistance in fast breeder reactors. As a result, DU-Am oxide fuel pellet with large diameter under epithermal neutron spectrum is desirable for the production of denatured Pu.



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