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Adsorption behavior of lanthanide ions on nonbiological phospholipid membranes; A Model study using liposome


山崎 信哉; 白井 理*; 加納 健司*; 香西 直文   ; 坂本 文徳  ; 大貫 敏彦

Yamasaki, Shinya; Shirai, Osamu*; Kano, Kenji*; Kozai, Naofumi; Sakamoto, Fuminori; Onuki, Toshihiko


The adsorption behavior of lanthanide ions (except for Pm) on liposomes composed of phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol was examined to understand the interaction between lanthanide ions and the phosphoryl moiety of phospholipids. The adsorption of lanthanide ions increased with an increase in pH under the weakly acidic conditions. Selective adsorption with the local maximum at the Er$$^{3+}$$ ion and local minimum at the Er$$^{3+}$$ ion was observed, similar to the selective adsorption of the bacterial cell surface but different from that of orthophosphates. These results indicate that the adsorption of lanthanide on the phospholipid does not result from simple adsorption on orthophosphate functional groups but by the composition and molecular structure of the phospholipid. Our results strongly suggest that liposomes can be used as a simple biomembrane model without any biological activity for the study of adsorption of lanthanide ions.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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