※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Effect of ro-vibrational coupling on rotational wavepacket of N$$_{2}$$

横山 淳; 赤木 浩; 熊田 高之   ; 板倉 隆二; 長谷川 宗良*; 大島 康裕*

Yokoyama, Atsushi; Akagi, Hiroshi; Kumada, Takayuki; Itakura, Ryuji; Hasegawa, Hirokazu*; Oshima, Yasuhiro*


Recently, we demonstrated a nitrogen isotope separation based on isotopically different time-evolution of rotational wavepacket by using $$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$/$$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$ mixture, in which at first rotational wavepackets of isotopomers were created by the irradiation of a femtosecond laser pulse, then a specific isotopomer molecules were ionized by another femtosecond laser pulse at the time when they align. In the experiment, we found peak shapes of the N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$ intensity were distorted as the evolution time passes. The behavior was not predicted by a rigid rotor model. In this work, we examined the effect of ro-vibrational coupling on this behavior by solving a time-dependent Schr$"o$dinger equation including the coupling. As a result, we elucidated that the simulation agreed well with the experimental results and that the effect of ro-vibrational coupling became larger as the rotational temperature increased.



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