※ 半角英数字
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北米地域のウラン廃棄物処分に関する調査; 米国ユタ州,テキサス州及びカナダオンタリオ州における処分及び規制の現状

Survey on uranium bearing waste disposal facilities in North American Continent

長谷川 信; 齋藤 龍郎  ; 財津 知久; 佐藤 和彦 ; 坂井 章浩 ; 麓 弘道*

Hasegawa, Makoto; Saito, Tatsuo; Zaitsu, Tomohisa; Sato, Kazuhiko; Sakai, Akihiro; Fumoto, Hiromichi*


Uranium bearing waste in Japan is not included in Category-2 radioactive waste disposal in NSCRG: F-RW-I.02 (published in August 2010, NSC Japan). Therefore, disposal of uranium bearing waste should be considered in institutionalization. In charge of the consideration, it is thought effective to refer to the proven tactics of the uranium waste disposal in overseas and the information on a safe regulatory system. Since the view of regulations and enterprises in this field are progressing day by day, renewal of the existing information of disposal of the uranium waste in each country is required. Furthermore, amendment of the U.S. federal rule aiming at safety disposal of depleted uranium is in progress. It is important to collect and arrange the latest information on the two above-mentioned points. Therefore, it visited the disposal responsible organization and regulatory agency of the disposal site of the uranium waste in the U.S. and Canada, and held institution investigations and interviews paying attention to the following four items: (1) "amendment of the U.S. 10CFR61", (2) "Safety evaluation of uranium bearing waste", (3) "Disposal site design", (4) "Stakeholder involvement".



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