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 年 ~ 

A Small-sized HTGR system design for multiple heat applications for developing countries


大橋 弘史 ; 佐藤 博之  ; 後藤 実  ; Yan, X. ; 角田 淳弥 ; 田澤 勇次郎*; 野本 恭信; 相原 純 ; 稲葉 良知  ; 深谷 裕司   ; 野口 弘喜  ; 今井 良行  ; 橘 幸男 

Ohashi, Hirofumi; Sato, Hiroyuki; Goto, Minoru; Yan, X.; Sumita, Junya; Tazawa, Yujiro*; Nomoto, Yasunobu; Aihara, Jun; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Fukaya, Yuji; Noguchi, Hiroki; Imai, Yoshiyuki; Tachibana, Yukio


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has conducted a conceptual design of a 50 MWt small-sized high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTGR) for multiple heat applications, named HTR50S, with the reactor outlet coolant temperature of 750 $$^{circ}$$C and 900 $$^{circ}$$C. It is first-of-a-kind of the commercial plant or a demonstration plant of a small-sized HTGR system to deploy it in developing countries in the 2020s. The design concept of HTR50S is to satisfy the user requirements for multipurpose heat application, to upgrade its performance compared to that of HTTR without significant R&D utilizing the knowledge obtained by the HTTR design and operation, and to fulfill the high level of safety by utilizing the inherent features of HTGR and a passive decay heat removal system.



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