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Full scale prototype of the JT-60SA quench protection circuits


Gaio, E.*; Maistrello, A.*; Barp, M.*; Perna, M.*; Coffetti, A.*; Soso, F.*; Novello, L.*; 松川 誠; 山内 邦仁

Gaio, E.*; Maistrello, A.*; Barp, M.*; Perna, M.*; Coffetti, A.*; Soso, F.*; Novello, L.*; Matsukawa, Makoto; Yamauchi, Kunihito

This paper deals with the development, manufacturing and testing of the full scale prototype of the Quench Protection Circuit (QPC) for the superconducting magnets of the JT-60SA Satellite Tokamak, which will operate in Naka, Japan. After the completion of the system detailed design in summer 2011, the manufacture of the poloidal and toroidal prototypes was launched and completed at the beginning of 2012. Several factory type tests on the main components have been done at the manufacturers' premises and are described in this paper. Then, two main campaigns have been performed to test the operation of the overall poloidal and toroidal QPC prototypes; the main results are reported in the paper too.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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