Achievement of nuclear Malaysia - JAEA bilateral project on generating new ornamental plant varieties using ion beams
Zaiton, A.*; Affrida, A. H.*; Shakinah, S.*; Nurul Hidayah, M.*; 野澤 樹*; 鳴海 一成*; 長谷 純宏; 大野 豊
Zaiton, A.*; Affrida, A. H.*; Shakinah, S.*; Nurul Hidayah, M.*; Nozawa, Shigeki*; Narumi, Issey*; Hase, Yoshihiro; Ono, Yutaka
Malaysian Nuclear Agency and Japan Atomic Energy Agency have jointly involved in the Research Cooperation in the Field of Radiation Processing since 1987. Under this cooperation, the five-year program on "Generating New Ornamental Plant Varieties using Ion Beams" was implemented from 2007 to 2012.
was chosen for this project as it is one of the most important ornamentals in Malaysia especially for cut flower export. The main objective was to develop new varieties with useful traits through a combination of ion beam irradiation and in vitro organ culture techniques. At present, 5 stable mutants of Reagan Red variety with distinct flower characters and two potential mutants from the Pink variety have been identified. Among the mutants, a Reagan Red mutant (irradiated by carbon ions at 2 Gy) with attractive features (purplish red and daisy-eyed double ray floret) is named TIARA Red.