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検索結果: 117 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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The Effects of ion beam irradiation on variation in the M$$_{1}$$ generation of two strains of ${{it Delphinium grandiflorum}}$ var. ${{it chinense}}$

本多 和茂*; 種市 周平*; 前田 智雄*; 後藤 聡*; 鹿内 靖浩*; 佐々木 和也*; 野澤 樹; 長谷 純宏

JAEA-Review 2015-022, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2014, P. 107, 2016/02




大野 豊; 長谷 純宏; 佐藤 勝也; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成*

放射線と産業, (138), p.17 - 20, 2015/06




川崎 通夫*; 桔梗 翔梧*; 野澤 樹; 秋田 祐介*; 長谷 純宏; 鳴海 一成*

日本作物学会東北支部会報, (57), p.61 - 62, 2014/12



Generating new chrysanthemum plant varieties using ion beams

Zaiton, A.*; Affrida, A. H.*; Shakinah, S.*; Nurul Hidayah, M.*; 野澤 樹*; 鳴海 一成*; 長谷 純宏; 大野 豊

JAEA-Review 2013-059, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2012, P. 104, 2014/03

Chrysanthemum is among the most important cut flowers in Malaysia especially for export market. The main problem for chrysanthemum in Malaysia is the lack of new varieties to meet the ever-changing customer demands. To generate new chrysanthemum plant varieties using ion beams, this report discusses irradiation experiments for nodal cultures of chrysanthemum Pink variety. ${it In vitro}$ stems were cut into single nodes (0.5 cm in length) and cultured approximately 5 days before irradiation. Data on the survival of cultures, regenerated shoot height and number of leaves were taken 8 weeks after irradiation. The results suggested that the sensitivity of nodes to ion beam irradiation is similar to that of their ray floret counterparts examined last year.


Development of ion beam breeding technology in plants and creation of useful plant resources

長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 浅見 逸夫*; 田之頭 優樹*; 松尾 洋一*; 金澤 章*; 本多 和茂*; 鳴海 一成*

JAEA-Review 2013-059, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2012, P. 102, 2014/03

This study is aimed to develop ion beam breeding technology and useful plant resources. In the cooperative research with Aichi prefecture, 4 lines of chrysanthemum mutant, which have characteristic petals in a whole part of the flower head, were obtained from about 1,500 regenerated plants. The trial growing of one of the mutant lines was received well and further characterization will be performed. We also focus on improvement of trees and functional ingredients in crops because little knowledge has been accumulated in this area. We are developing the ion beam breeding technology in Citrus plants as a model for trees. The cut surfaces of hypocotyls were exposed to carbon ions and the regenerated plants were grown. There was a large difference in radiation sensitivity among 7 kinds of commercial varieties. The regeneration rate after 10 Gy irradiation was more than 90% in "Kawano-Natsudaidai" but was less than 10% in Trifoliate orange. Mutant plants with shorter internode were successfully obtained in "Imamura-unshu". In the cooperative research with Hokkaido University, soybean mutants with altered ingredients, such as isoflavones, proteins, fatty acids and starch, were obtained.


Mutational effects of carbon ions near the range end in Arabidopsis

長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成*

JAEA-Review 2013-059, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2012, P. 105, 2014/03

Little is known about the mutational effects of ion beams near the range end, especially in plants. We analyzed the mutations occurred in the Arabidopsis ${it GL1}$ gene with the emphasis on large deletions. The frequency of glabrous mutant sectors, which is caused by inactivation of ${it GL1}$ gene, was not significantly different between the carbon ions near the range end (mean LET: 425 keV/$$mu$$m, C (425)) and 208 MeV Carbon ions (113 keV/$$mu$$m, C (113)), while the C (425) induced large deletions ($$>$$ $$sim$$5 kb) more frequently by 6 times than C (113). These results suggested that the frequency of large deletions is affected by LET. Mutations that have deletion in either one or both of the nearest DNA markers (3.9 kb upstream and 2.8 kb downstream of ${it GL1}$gene) were further examined to evaluate the total size of deletions. The most of the deletions were larger than 200 kb and the largest deletion was estimated to be more than several Mb. Similar results were obtained in the case of neon ions with a mean LET of 352 keV/$$mu$$m. These results suggest that deletions larger than 200 kb are often induced by the ion beams with a LET higher than 100 keV/$$mu$$m.


Ion beam breeding of rice for the mutation breeding project of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA)

田中 淳; 野澤 樹; 長谷 純宏; 鳴海 一成*; 石川 秀高*; 小池 亜紀*

JAEA-Review 2013-059, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2012, P. 103, 2014/03

Ion beams have been utilized for the Sub-Project on Composition or Quality in Rice (FY 2007 - 2012) under the Mutation Breeding Project of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA). The aims of this project are to increase food production and to improve food quality in Asia by developing new rice mutant varieties. Seven participating countries, i.e., Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, The Philippines, and Vietnam joined this project and irradiated seeds of their own rice varieties with ion beams. So far, most of the participating countries completed to decide the optimal dose for mutation induction for each rice variety and harvested offspring. In several countries, useful mutant candidates such as high yield, early maturation, disease or salt tolerant and semi-dwarf have been obtained. These results indicated that ion beams showed great performance in improving the agronomic traits.


Determination of the carbon ion beam irradiation condition for barley

飯牟礼 隆*; 保木 健宏*; 長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成*; 木原 誠*; 大串 憲祐*

JAEA-Review 2013-059, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2012, P. 109, 2014/03

To determine ideal condition of ion beam irradiation for barley grain, carbon ion beams with the LET (Linear Energy Transfer) of 127 (C-127) and 275 (C-275) KeV/$$mu$$m, were applied and the variation of the germination rate, initial plant growth, the survival rate by cultivars and by irradiation doses was observed. As a result, no difference was observed among six cultivars tested and the survival rates were gradually decreased as to the irradiation doses. It was suggested from the relationship between the irradiation doses and the survival rate that the ideal irradiation doses at which the survival rate was around 80% were 10 Gy and 4 Gy for C-127 and C-275 irradiation, respectively.


Molecular analysis of heavy ion induced mutations in budding yeast ${it S. cerevisiae}$

松尾 陽一郎*; 泉 佳伸*; 長谷 純宏; 坂本 綾子; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成*; 清水 喜久雄*

JAEA-Review 2013-059, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2012, P. 112, 2014/03

To investigate the nature of mutations induced by accelerated ions in eukaryotic cells, the effects of carbon-ion irradiation were compared with those of $$gamma$$-ray irradiation in the budding yeast ${it Saccharomyces cerevisiae}$. Previous studies suggested that the mutation sites induced by carbon ions were localized near the linker regions of nucleosomes, whereas mutations induced by $$gamma$$ rays were located uniformly throughout the gene. We hypothesized that the locus of mutations might be related to the nucleosome structure. To confirm this hypothesis, we examined the mutation spectrum in the ${it URA3}$ gene with the altered nucleosome structure. It is likely that sites of mutations occurred in the ${it URA3}$ with altered nucleosome structure is inconsistent with those in the wild type. We will further accumulate the data to examine the above hypothesis.


${it Arabidopsis sos1}$ mutant in a salt-tolerant accession revealed an importance of salt acclimation ability in plant salt tolerance

有賀 裕剛*; 香取 拓*; 吉原 亮平*; 長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成; 井内 聖*; 小林 正智*; 手塚 健二*; 坂田 洋一*; et al.

Plant Signaling & Behavior (Internet), 8(7), p.e24779_1 - e24779_5, 2013/07



Photoperiod-insensitive mutants with shorter plant height identified in the M1 generation of rice irradiated with carbon ion beams

Azad, M. A. K.*; Mazumdar, M. N. N.*; Chaki, A. K.*; Ali, M.*; Hakim, M. L.*; Mamun, A. N. K.*; 長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 田中 淳; 小池 亜紀*; et al.

SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 45(2), p.179 - 186, 2013/06



Mutational effects of $$gamma$$-rays and carbon ion beams in ${it Arabidopsis}$ seedlings

吉原 亮平*; 野澤 樹; 長谷 純宏; 鳴海 一成; 日出間 純*; 坂本 綾子

Journal of Radiation Research, 54(6), p.1050 - 1056, 2013/05

 被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:67.96(Biology)

To assess the mutational effects of radiations in vigorously proliferating plant tissue, mutation spectrum was analyzed with ${it Arabidopsis}$ seedlings via plasmid rescue method. Transgenic plants containing ${it Escherichia coli rpsL}$ gene were irradiated with $$gamma$$-rays and carbon ion beams (320 MeV $$^{12}$$C$$^{6+}$$), and mutations in the ${it rpsL}$ gene were analyzed. Mutant frequency was significantly increased by $$gamma$$-rays, but not by 320 MeV $$^{12}$$C$$^{6+}$$. Mutation spectrum showed that both radiations increased the frequency of frameshifts and other mutations including deletion/insertion but that only $$gamma$$-rays increased the frequency of total base substitutions. These results suggest that the type of DNA lesions which cause base substitutions were less induced by 320 MeV $$^{12}$$C$$^{6+}$$ than by $$gamma$$-rays in ${it Arabidopsis}$ seedlings. $$gamma$$-rays never increased the frequencies of G:C to T:A and A:T to C:G transversions, which are caused by oxidized guanine, though 320 MeV $$^{12}$$C$$^{6+}$$ slightly increase the both transversions. Instead, $$gamma$$-rays significantly increased the frequency of G:C to A:T transition. These results suggest that 8-oxoguanine has little effect on mutagenesis in ${it Arabidopsis}$ cells.


Ion beam irradiation on rice seeds for the Mutation Breeding Project of the Forum of Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA)

田中 淳; 野澤 樹; 長谷 純宏; 鳴海 一成; 石川 秀高*; 小池 亜紀*

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 96, 2013/01

From 2009, ion beams have been utilized for the Sub-Project on Composition or Quality in Rice (FY 2007-2012) under the Mutation Breeding Project of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA). This sub-project contributes to increase food production and to improve food quality in Asia, by developing new rice mutant varieties that are more resistant to disease, insects, and drought, or give higher yields and offer higher quality. Eight participant countries, i.e., Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam joined this project and irradiated seeds of their own rice varieties with ion beams. In FY2011, most of participant countries finished to decide the best doses for mutation induction and have started to harvest descendant plants and mutant screening.


Mutational effects of carbon ions near the range end and development of an efficient mutagenesis technique using ion beams

長谷 純宏; 吉原 亮平*; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 98, 2013/01

The accelerated heavy ions deposit most of their energy close to the end of their range. Little is known about the mutational effects of ion beams near the range end, especially in plants. We analyzed the mutations occurred in the Arabidopsis ${it GL1}$ gene with the emphasis on large deletions. Arabidopsis seeds obtained by crossing the wild type with ${it gl1-1}$ mutant were used as a material. The DNA markers that can distinguish the wild type and ${it gl1-1}$ sequence were used to detect deletions. The carbon ions near the range end induced deletions ($$>$$ 6.7 kb) more frequently by 6 times than 208 MeV carbon ions.


DNA damage evaluation system of the high-LET ion beam using the polymerase chain reaction

松尾 陽一郎*; 泉 佳伸*; 長谷 純宏; 坂本 綾子; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成; 清水 喜久雄*

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 105, 2013/01

We have been studying ion beam-induced mutations in budding yeast S288c (${it RAD}$ $$^{+}$$) as a model of eukaryote cell. We report a new method to evaluate DNA lesions caused by high-LET radiation using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR is one of the most reliable methods for detecting DNA damage as the amplification stops at the site of the damage. In this study, the 804-bp region of ${it URA3}$ gene was amplified by PCR reaction using a specific oligonucleotide primer set. The PCR device adopted was an Eco Real-Time PCR System (Illumina). The percentage of undamaged template DNA was tended to decrease with an increase in absorbed dose of radiation. The higher LET radiations resulted in the higher rate of decrease in undamaged template DNA. This result suggests that different types of lesions are produced on DNA depending on the LET value of radiations.


Generating new ornamental plant varieties using ion beams

Zaiton, A.*; Affrida, A. H.*; Shakinah, S.*; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成; 長谷 純宏; 大野 豊

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 97, 2013/01

Chrysanthemum is one of the leading cut flowers in Malaysia's cut flower industry. Due to the increasing demand of chrysanthemum cut flower, there is a need for new variety of chrysanthemum in order to compete to the ever-competitive cut flower market. Induced mutation breeding using ionizing radiation is one of the effective methods in plant breeding that resulted in generation of new mutated alleles and most unique feature. Attempt was carried out to apply mutation breeding technique using ion beam radiation to produce new variety of chrysanthemum. A pink variety of ${it Chrysanthemum morifolium}$ was used in this experiment. The experiment will be repeated to determine the accurate optimum irradiation dose for this variety. Meanwhile all shoots regenerated after irradiation are being sub-cultured and will be planted in the nursery.


Development of ion beam breeding technology in plants and creation of useful plant resources

長谷 純宏; 野澤 樹; 岡田 智行*; 浅見 逸夫*; 長谷 健*; 松尾 洋一*; 金澤 章*; 本多 和茂*; 鳴海 一成

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 95, 2013/01

This study is aimed to develop ion beam breeding technology and useful plant resources. In particular, our current research is focused on the step-wise improvement of traits in flower and ornamental plants. We also focus on improvement of trees and functional ingredients in crops because little knowledge has been accumulated in this area. Here, we describe recent progress made in these studies.



宇山 嘉秀*; 大屋 寛高*; 天野 良紀*; 樫本 晃一*; 羽田野 昌二*; 野澤 樹; 吉原 亮平*; 長谷 純宏; 鳴海 一成

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 102, 2013/01

In order to obtain horticulturally useful mutants of ${it Dahlia}$ spp., tissue-cultured shoots were irradiated with ion beams at TIARA. The shoots were irradiated with carbon ions in the range of doses from 1 to 5 Gy. Irradiated shoots were transplanted to culture vessel for rooting. 247 plants were acclimated and then settle planted in the field. After blooming, we investigated mutants by focusing mainly on flower shape and color. As a result, several flower shape and flower color mutants are obtained even from 1-Gy irradiated shoots. We are planning to obtain more mutants by increasing study population. Thereafter, we will propagate horticulturally useful mutants and investigate the stability of their characteristics.


Mutagenic effects of carbon ions near the range end in plants

長谷 純宏; 吉原 亮平; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成

Mutation Research; Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 731(1-2), p.41 - 47, 2012/03

 被引用回数:33 パーセンタイル:70.43(Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)

植物におけるイオンビームの変異誘発効果に関する知見を深めるため、飛程末端に近い炭素イオン(平均LET 425keV/$$mu$$m)と種子を透過する炭素イオン(平均LET 113keV/$$mu$$m)の変異効果を比較した。照射した植物体からの大腸菌由来${it rpsL}$遺伝子のプラスミドレスキュー法では、113keV/$$mu$$m炭素イオンでは変異頻度が2.7倍上昇したのに対して、425keV/$$mu$$m炭素イオンでは変異頻度が上昇しなかったことから、飛程末端に近い炭素イオンで誘発される突然変異は、プラスミドレスキューでは検出できないことが示唆された。非相同末端結合修復能を欠損するシロイヌナズナのDNA ligase IV遺伝子の変異体は、両者の炭素イオンに対して野生型よりも高い感受性を示したが、野生型と変異体の感受性の差は425keV/$$mu$$m炭素イオンでは113keV/$$mu$$m炭素イオンに比べて極めて小さいことから、飛程末端に近い炭素イオンは修復困難なDNA損傷を誘発することが示唆された。シロイヌナズナの${it GL1}$遺伝子を利用した変異解析では、無毛変異の形成頻度は両者の炭素イオンで差がなかったが、大規模な欠失変異($$>$$$$sim$$30kb)の頻度は425keV/$$mu$$m炭素イオンが6倍高かったことから、LETが高まるに従って大規模な欠失変異の割合が高まることが示唆された。


Mutational effects of carbon ions near range end in Arabidopsis

長谷 純宏; 吉原 亮平; 野澤 樹; 鳴海 一成

JAEA-Review 2011-043, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2010, P. 103, 2012/01

The accelerated heavy ions deposit most of their energy close to the end of their range. Little is known about the mutational effects of ion beams near range end, especially in plants. Here, we carried out several experiments to characterize mutational effects of carbon ions near range end in plants. Out results suggested the possibility that large structural alterations, which cannot be detected by plasmid rescue, were frequently induced by the carbon ions near range end. It was also suggested that the carbon ions near range end induce much irreparable DNA lesions. Analysis using ${it GL1}$ locus suggested that ion beams with very high LET frequently induce large deletions in Arabidopsis genome.

117 件中 1件目~20件目を表示