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Preliminary study of thermal load fluctuation test in normal operation state using the HTTR

本多 友貴; 栃尾 大輔 ; 青野 哲也; 平戸 洋次; 小澤 太教; 齋藤 賢司 

Honda, Yuki; Tochio, Daisuke; Aono, Tetsuya; Hirato, Yoji; Kozawa, Takayuki; Saito, Kenji


The HTGR system with helium turbine and hydrogen production system have been designed based on the HTTR experiments. For the future HTGR control system design, the thermal-load fluctuation and lost test for heat utilization system design is planned. The tests would be important for demonstration of the reactor stability despite thermal load fluctuation, detailed design of the HTGRs with heat utilization system and validation of plant dynamic codes for future HTGR system. Preliminary studies with all main control system are carried out to study on the control characteristics with the thermal-load fluctuation test and determine test condition on normal operation state such as the amount of decrease in the flow rate of the ACL.



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