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Sustainable thermoelectric materials; Utilizing Fukushima weathered biotite via molten salt treatment

本田 充紀; 金田 結依; 村口 正和*; 早川 虹雪*; 小田 将人*; 飯野 千秋*; 石井 宏幸*; 後藤 琢也*

AIP Advances (Internet), 14(5), p.055034_1 - 055034_6, 2024/05



Field-induced insulator-metal transition in EuTe$$_2$$

竹内 徹也*; 本多 史憲*; 青木 大*; 芳賀 芳範; 木田 孝則*; 鳴海 康雄*; 萩原 政幸*; 金道 浩一*; 軽部 皓介*; 播磨 尚朝*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 93(4), p.044708_1 - 044708_10, 2024/04

Electrical and magnetic properties of divalent europium antiferromagnet EuTe$$_2$$ are studied on single crystals grown from Te-flux method. Antiferromagnetism occurs at 11 K with an insulating ground state. Application of magnetic field induces a sudden resistance drop leading to a phase transition to metallic state. Energy band calculations reveal the appearance of a Fermi surface pocket with Te-5p character induced by the polarized Eu moments.


Effects of Fe ions, ultraviolet irradiation, and heating on microscopic structures of black lacquer films

南川 卓也; 関根 由莉奈; 松村 大樹; 廣井 孝介; 高田 慎一; 神谷 嘉美*; 本多 貴之*

Langmuir, 40(11), p.5725 - 5730, 2024/03

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

鉄と漆の化学反応を利用して、古くから黒漆が作られている。しかし、鉄と漆の反応については、ほとんど知られていない。本研究では、黒漆中のFeイオンの化学状態を、XANES, EXAFS、SAXS, SANSおよびFT-IRを使用して調査した。Fe(II)またはFe(III)を生漆に添加し、空気乾燥,加熱、またはUV照射により黒漆フィルムを作成した。これらのサンプルのXANESスペクトルの測定結果から、最初に添加したFeの酸化状態に関係なく、サンプル内のFeイオンが3価の状態で存在していることが明らかとなった。また、すべてのフィルムサンプルのEXAFSスペクトルは同様の形状であったが、ピーク強度は、空気乾燥$$>$$UV照射$$>$$加熱の順に減少した。この結果は、加熱やUV照射により黒漆中のFeの配位構造が不均一になり、加熱が最も不均一になったことを示している。サンプルのFT-IRスペクトルの変化は、ウルシオールの重合挙動が空気乾燥,加熱、およびUV照射下でも異なり、漆中での反応により、Feの配位構造が不均一になることが明らかとなった。このような結果から、XANESやEXAFSスペクトルは、黒漆の情報を簡易に得る手法として有用であり、貴重な文化財の黒漆の非破壊分析に特に有効である。


Quantum critical behavior of the hyperkagome magnet Mn$$_3$$CoSi

山内 宏樹; Sari, D. P.*; 安井 幸夫*; 坂倉 輝俊*; 木村 宏之*; 中尾 朗子*; 大原 高志; 本田 孝志*; 樹神 克明; 井川 直樹; et al.

Physical Review Research (Internet), 6(1), p.013144_1 - 013144_9, 2024/02

$$beta$$-Mn-type family alloys Mn$$_3$$$$TX$$ have three-dimensional antiferromagnetic (AFM) corner-shared triangular network. The antiferromagnet Mn$$_3$$RhSi shows magnetic short-range order (SRO) over a wide temperature range of approximately 500 K above the N$'{e}$el temperature $$T_{rm N}$$ = 190 K. Mn$$_3$$CoSi has the smallest lattice parameter and the lowest $$T_{rm N}$$ in the family compounds. The quantum critical point (QCP) from AFM to the quantum paramagnetic state is expected near a cubic lattice parameter of 6.15 $AA. Although $T_N$$ of Mn$$_3$$CoSi is only 140 K, quantum critical behavior is observed in Mn$$_3$$CoSi as the enhancement of the electronic specific heat coefficient $$gamma$$. We study how the magnetic SRO appears in Mn$$_3$$CoSi by using neutron scattering, $$mu$$SR, and physical property measurements. The experimental results show that the neutron scattering intensity of the magnetic SRO does not change much regardless of the suppressed magnetic moment in the long-range magnetic ordered state compared to those of Mn$$_3$$RhSi. The initial asymmetry drop ratio of $$mu$$SR above $$T_{rm N}$$ becomes small, and the magnetic SRO temperature $$T_{SRO}$$ is suppressed to 240 K. The results suggest that the Mn$$_3$$CoSi is close to the QCP in the Mn$$_3$$$$TX$$ system.


Impact of the Ce$$4f$$ states in the electronic structure of the intermediate-valence superconductor CeIr$$_3$$

藤森 伸一; 川崎 郁斗; 竹田 幸治; 山上 浩志; 雀部 矩正*; 佐藤 芳樹*; 清水 悠晴*; 仲村 愛*; Maruya, A.*; 本間 佳哉*; et al.

Electronic Structure (Internet), 5(4), p.045009_1 - 045009_7, 2023/11

The electronic structure of the $$f$$-based superconductor $$mathrm{CeIr_3}$$ was studied by photoelectron spectroscopy. The energy distribution of the $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state was revealed by the $$mathrm{Ce}~3d-4f$$ resonant photoelectron spectroscopy. The $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state was mostly distributed in the vicinity of the Fermi energy, suggesting the itinerant character of the $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state. The contribution of the $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state to the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi energy was estimated to be nearly half of that of the$$mathrm{Ir}~5d$$ states, implying that the $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state has aconsiderable contribution to the DOS at the Fermi energy. The $$mathrm{Ce}~3d$$ core-level and $$mathrm{Ce}~3d$$ X-ray absorption spectra were analyzed based on a single-impurity Anderson model. The number of the $$mathrm{Ce}~4f$$ state in the ground state was estimated to be 0.8-0.9, which is much larger than the values obtained in the previous studies (i.e., 0-0.4).


PANDORA Project for the study of photonuclear reactions below $$A=60$$

民井 淳*; Pellegri, L.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Allard, D.*; Goriely, S.*; 稲倉 恒法*; Khan, E.*; 木戸 英治*; 木村 真明*; Litvinova, E.*; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 59(9), p.208_1 - 208_21, 2023/09

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:79.22(Physics, Nuclear)



Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 3

山下 拓哉; 本多 剛*; 溝上 暢人*; 野崎 謙一朗*; 鈴木 博之*; Pellegrini, M.*; 酒井 健*; 佐藤 一憲; 溝上 伸也*

Nuclear Technology, 209(6), p.902 - 927, 2023/06

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:84.55(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The estimation and understanding of the state of fuel debris and fission products inside the plant is an essential step in the decommissioning of the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). However, the direct observation of the plant interior, which is under a high radiation environment, is difficult and limited. Therefore, in order to understand the plant interior conditions, a comprehensive analysis and evaluation is necessary, based on various measurement data from the plant, analysis of plant data during the accident progression phase and information obtained from computer simulations for this phase. These evaluations can be used to estimate the conditions of the interior of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and the primary containment vessel (PCV). Herein, 1F Unit 3 was addressed as the subject to produce an estimated diagram of the fuel debris distribution from data obtained about the RPV and PCV based on the comprehensive evaluation of various measurement data and information obtained from the accident progression analysis, which were released to the public in November 2022.


Quasielastic neutron scattering probing H$$^{-}$$ dynamics in the H$$^{-}$$ conductors LaH$$_{3-2x}$$O$$_{x}$$

玉造 博夢; 福井 慧賀*; 飯村 壮史*; 本田 孝志*; 多田 朋史*; 村上 洋一*; 山浦 淳一*; 倉本 義夫*; 佐賀山 基*; 山田 武*; et al.

Physical Review B, 107(18), p.184114_1 - 184114_8, 2023/05

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Using an incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) technique, we investigate H$$^{-}$$ dynamics in a series of oxyhydrides LaH$$_{3-2x}$$O$$_{x}$$ that exhibit characteristic high H$$^{-}$$ conductivity. In the end member LaH$$_{3}$$ ($$x$$ = 0), two kinds of H$$^{-}$$ dynamics are identified: the jump diffusion and the localized motion. The jump length in the jump diffusion mode increases with increasing $$T$$. The localized motion is identified as a jump between the two inequivalent sites. These dynamics are corroborated by our molecular dynamical simulations. Our QENS data suggest that similar H$$^{-}$$ dynamics occurs also in oxyhydrides LaH$$_{3-2x}$$O$$_{x}$$ ($$x$$ $$neq$$ 0), whose H$$^{-}$$ concentration dependence is consistent with the previous measurement of ionic conductivity. We also discuss the possibility that LaH$$_{3-2x}$$O$$_{x}$$ is an example of H$$^{-}$$ ion conductors governed by the concerted migration mechanism. The identified H$$^{-}$$ dynamics is a key to understanding the anomalous hydrogen concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient in lanthanum hydrides, which has been a longstanding mystery in this compound.


Lanthanide and actinide ion complexes containing organic ligands investigated by surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy

平田 早紀子*; 日下 良二; 明地 省吾*; 為国 誠太*; 奥寺 洸介*; 浜田 昇賢*; 坂本 知優*; 本田 匠*; 松下 高輔*; 村松 悟*; et al.

Inorganic Chemistry, 62(1), p.474 - 486, 2023/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

A new technique, surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopy, was used for the structural investigation of lanthanide (Ln) and actinide (An) complexes containing organic ligands. We synthesized thiol derivatives of organic ligands with coordination sites similar to those of diglycolamide (DGA), Cyanex-272, and $$N,N,N',N'$$-tetrakis(2-pyridinylmethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine (TPEN), which have been used for separating Ln and An through solvent extraction. These ligands were attached on a gold surface deposited on an Si prism through S-Au covalent bonds; the gold surface enhanced the IR absorption intensity of the ligands. Aqueous solutions of Ln (Eu$$^{3+}$$, Gd$$^{3+}$$, Tb$$^{3+}$$) and An (Am$$^{3+}$$) ions were loaded onto the gold surface to form ion complexes. The IR spectra of the ion complexes were obtained using FT-IR spectroscopy in the attenuated total reflection mode. In this study, we developed a new sample preparation method for SEIRA spectroscopy that enabled us to obtain the IR spectra of the complexes with a small amount of ion solution (5 $$mu$$L). This is a significant advantage for the IR measurement of radiotoxic Am$$^{3+}$$ complexes. In the IR spectra of DGA, the band attributed to C=O stretching vibrations at $$sim$$1630 cm$$^{-1}$$ shifted to a lower wavenumber by $$sim$$20 cm$$^{-1}$$ upon complexation with Ln and An ions. Moreover, the amount of the red-shift was inversely proportional to the extraction equilibrium constant reported in previous studies on solvent extraction. The coordination ability of DGA toward Ln and An ions could be assessed using the band position of the C=O band. The Cyanex-272- and TPEN-like ligands synthesized in this report also showed noticeable SEIRA signals for Ln and An complexes. This study indicates that SEIRA spectroscopy can be used for the structural investigation of ion complexes and provides a microscopic understanding of selective extraction of Ln and An.


Experimental study of liquid spreading and atomization due to jet impingement in liquid-liquid systems

山村 聡太*; 藤原 広太*; 本田 恒太*; 吉田 啓之; 堀口 直樹; 金子 暁子*; 阿部 豊*

Physics of Fluids, 34(8), p.082110_1 - 082110_13, 2022/08

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:35.53(Mechanics)



Development of an ${it in-situ}$ continuous air monitor for the measurement of highly radioactive alpha-emitting particulates ($$alpha$$-aerosols) under high humidity environment

坪田 陽一; 本田 文弥; 床次 眞司*; 玉熊 佑紀*; 中川 貴博; 池田 篤史

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1030, p.166475_1 - 166475_7, 2022/05

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:48.47(Instruments & Instrumentation)

福島第一原子力発電所(1F)の長期的な廃止措置において、損傷した原子炉に残存する核燃料デブリの取り出しは、技術的に多くの困難を伴う不可避の重要課題である。デブリ取り出しは機械的な切断を伴い、$$alpha$$放射性核種を含む微粒子($$alpha$$エアロゾル)が高濃度で発生し、吸入時の健康リスクが大きい。1Fの解体・廃止措置における作業員の放射線被ばくを最小化するためには、粒子の発生場所である原子炉格納容器(PCV)内における$$alpha$$エアロゾルの濃度を監視することが重要である。このため、$$alpha$$エアロゾルのin-situモニタリングシステム(in-situ alpha air monitor: IAAM)を開発し、1Fの実環境で想定される条件下でその技術的性能を検証した。IAAMは次の4つの技術的要求を満たすことが確認された。(1)高湿度下での安定動作、(2)フィルターレス動作、(3)高計数率の$$alpha$$線測定能力、(4)高バックグラウンドの$$beta$$/$$gamma$$線下でも$$alpha$$線が選択的に測定できること。IAAMは、高湿度環境(相対湿度100%)及び$$beta$$/$$gamma$$線高バックグラウンド(最大100mSv/hの$$gamma$$線)下で、濃度3.3 $$times$$ 10$$^{2}$$ Bq/cm$$^{3}$$以上の$$alpha$$エアロゾルを計数の飽和なしに、選択的に測定することが可能であることが確認された。これらの結果は、IAAMが燃料デブリの解体時及び1Fの長期的な廃止措置全体において、信頼性の高い$$alpha$$エアロゾルのモニタリングシステムとして利用できる可能性を示すものである。


プルトニウム研究1棟の廃止措置; 計画と現状

小室 迪泰; 金沢 浩之; 石仙 順也; 清水 修; 本田 順一; 原田 克也; 音部 治幹; 中田 正美; 伊奈川 潤

JAEA-Technology 2021-042, 197 Pages, 2022/03




Modelling concrete degradation by coupled non-linear processes

小田 治恵; 川間 大介*; 清水 浩之*; Benbow, S. J.*; 平野 史生; 高山 裕介; 高瀬 博康*; 三原 守弘; 本田 明

Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 19(10), p.1075 - 1087, 2021/10

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Construction & Building Technology)




藤本 望*; 福田 航大*; 本多 友貴*; 栃尾 大輔; Ho, H. Q.; 長住 達; 石井 俊晃; 濱本 真平; 中野 優美*; 石塚 悦男

JAEA-Technology 2021-008, 23 Pages, 2021/06




$$^{60}$$Fe and $$^{244}$$Pu deposited on Earth constrain the r-process yields of recent nearby supernovae

Wallner, A.*; Froehlich, M. B.*; Hotchkis, M. A. C.*; 木下 哲一*; Paul, M.*; Martschini, M.*; Pavetich, S.*; Tims, S. G.*; Kivel, N.*; Schumann, D.*; et al.

Science, 372(6543), p.742 - 745, 2021/05

 被引用回数:41 パーセンタイル:96.52(Multidisciplinary Sciences)



Thermally altered subsurface material of asteroid (162173) Ryugu

北里 宏平*; Milliken, R. E.*; 岩田 隆浩*; 安部 正真*; 大竹 真紀子*; 松浦 周二*; 高木 靖彦*; 中村 智樹*; 廣井 孝弘*; 松岡 萌*; et al.

Nature Astronomy (Internet), 5(3), p.246 - 250, 2021/03

 被引用回数:44 パーセンタイル:96.99(Astronomy & Astrophysics)



Influences of the ZrC coating process and heat treatment on ZrC-coated kernels used as fuel in Pu-burner high temperature gas-cooled reactor in Japan

相原 純; 植田 祥平; 本田 真樹*; 水田 直紀; 後藤 実; 橘 幸男; 岡本 孝司*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(1), p.107 - 116, 2021/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)



A Sensitive method for Sr-90 analysis by accelerator mass spectrometry

笹 公和*; 本多 真紀; 細谷 青児*; 高橋 努*; 高野 健太*; 落合 悠太*; 坂口 綾*; 栗田 沙緒里*; 佐藤 志彦; 末木 啓介*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(1), p.72 - 79, 2021/01

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:69.90(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Strontium-90 ($$^{90}$$Sr) is one of the most important fission products due to the potential health risks of its uptake and retention in the human body. Conventional analysis techniques involve beta-counting, which requires ingrowth of $$^{90}$$Y over a period of two weeks or more. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) has the potential to shorten the analysis time while offering a lower limit of detection than beta-counting. Here, Sr in samples was recovered as SrF$$_{2}$$ to provide sufficient negative ions in the caesium-sputtering ion source. In the sample preparation step, 95-98% of Sr was recovered and 99-100% of Zr removed by ion-exchange separation. Sr recovery was $$sim$$30% in the precipitation process, and this can be improved. The recovered $$^{90}$$Sr was mixed with PbF$$_{2}$$ at an SrF$$_{2}$$:PbF$$_{2}$$ weight ratio of 4:1. A maximum 500 nA beam current of Sr$$_{3}$$ ions was obtained from SrF$$_{2}$$ samples. A five-anode gas ionization detector was used to avoid isobaric interference from $$^{90}$$Zr. The $$^{90}$$Sr/Sr atomic ratio background of $$sim$$6 $$times$$ 10$$^{-13}$$ (equivalent to $$sim$$3 mBq $$^{90}$$Sr) was comparable with that achieved at other AMS facilities. Good linearity $$^{90}$$Sr/Sr atomic ratios was obtained from 1.75 $$times$$ 10$$^{-10}$$ to 3.38 $$times$$ 10$$^{-9}$$. Suitable techniques for sample preparation and measurement were thus achieved for $$^{90}$$Sr analysis by AMS.



石仙 順也; 赤坂 伸吾*; 清水 修; 金沢 浩之; 本田 順一; 原田 克也; 岡本 久人

JAEA-Technology 2020-011, 70 Pages, 2020/10


日本原子力研究開発機構原子力科学研究所のウラン濃縮研究棟は、昭和47年に建設され、ウラン濃縮技術開発に関する研究等に用いられてきた。本施設では、平成元年度に発煙事象、平成9年度に火災事故が発生している。本施設は、平成10年度にウラン濃縮に関する研究は終了し、平成24年度に核燃料物質の搬出等を行い廃止措置に着手した。令和元年度、フード等の設備及び火災等による汚染が残存している管理区域の壁, 天井等の解体撤去を行い、管理区域内に汚染が残存していないことを確認して管理区域を解除し、廃止措置を完了した。解体撤去作業において発生した放射性廃棄物は、可燃性廃棄物が約1.7t、不燃性廃棄物が約69.5tである。今後は一般施設として、コールド実験等に利用される。


Development and application of a $$^3$$He neutron spin filter at J-PARC

奥平 琢也; 奥 隆之; 猪野 隆*; 林田 洋寿*; 吉良 弘*; 酒井 健二; 廣井 孝介; 高橋 慎吾*; 相澤 一也; 遠藤 仁*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 977, p.164301_1 - 164301_8, 2020/10

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:80.72(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We are developing a neutron polarizer with polarized $$^3$$He gas, referred to as a $$^3$$He spin filter, based on the Spin Exchange Optical Pumping (SEOP) for polarized neutron scattering experiments at Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). A $$^3$$He gas-filling station was constructed at J-PARC, and several $$^3$$He cells with long spin relaxation times have been fabricated using the gas-filling station. A laboratory has been prepared in the MLF beam hall for polarizing $$^3$$He cells, and compact pumping systems with laser powers of 30 W and 110 W, which can be installed onto a neutron beamline, have been developed. A $$^3$$He polarization of 85% was achieved at a neutron beamline by using the pumping system with the 110 W laser. Recently, the first user experiment utilizing the $$^3$$He spin filter was conducted, and there have been several more since then. The development and utilization of $$^3$$He spin filters at MLF of J-PARC are reported.

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