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Field-induced insulator-metal transition in EuTe$$_2$$


竹内 徹也*; 本多 史憲*; 青木 大*; 芳賀 芳範   ; 木田 孝則*; 鳴海 康雄*; 萩原 政幸*; 金道 浩一*; 軽部 皓介*; 播磨 尚朝*; 大貫 惇睦*

Takeuchi, Tetsuya*; Honda, Fuminori*; Aoki, Dai*; Haga, Yoshinori; Kida, Takanori*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Kindo, Koichi*; Karube, Kosuke*; Harima, Hisatomo*; Onuki, Yoshichika*

Electrical and magnetic properties of divalent europium antiferromagnet EuTe$$_2$$ are studied on single crystals grown from Te-flux method. Antiferromagnetism occurs at 11 K with an insulating ground state. Application of magnetic field induces a sudden resistance drop leading to a phase transition to metallic state. Energy band calculations reveal the appearance of a Fermi surface pocket with Te-5p character induced by the polarized Eu moments.



- Accesses




分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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