※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Thermal and mechanical properties of UO$$_{2}$$ and PuO$$_{2}$$

UO$$_{2}$$, PuO$$_{2}$$の機械特性と熱特性

加藤 正人   ; 松本 卓

Kato, Masato; Matsumoto, Taku


Uranium and plutonium mixed oxide is base material for minor actinide (MA)-bearing MOX fuels. It is important to evaluate basic properties of UO$$_{2}$$ and PuO$$_{2}$$ as fundamental aspects of MA-bearing MOX fuel development. Especially, heat capacity and thermal conductivity of UO$$_{2}$$ and PuO$$_{2}$$ are important data to analyze thermal behaviors depending on Pu content. However, the data of PuO$$_{2}$$ is limited, and it is difficult to understand the mechanism of temperature dependence on their properties. The (Cv+Cd) of UO$$_{2}$$ and PuO$$_{2}$$ is almost same. The analysis results showed that the Schottky term of PuO$$_{2}$$ is 1.5 times as larger as that of UO$$_{2}$$. The thermal conductivity was analyzed by Slack equation. The calculation results showed that the thermal conductivity of PuO$$_{2}$$ was higher than that of UO$$_{2}$$. The relationship between mechanical and thermal properties was described, and the heat capacity and thermal conductivity were analyzed.



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