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Design and realization of JT60-SA Fast Plasma Position Control Coils power supplies


Zito, P.*; Lampasi, A.*; Coletti, A.*; Novello, L.*; 松川 誠; 島田 勝弘; Cinarelli, D.*; Portesine, M.*; Dorronsoro, A.*; Vian, D.*

Zito, P.*; Lampasi, A.*; Coletti, A.*; Novello, L.*; Matsukawa, Makoto; Shimada, Katsuhiro; Cinarelli, D.*; Portesine, M.*; Dorronsoro, A.*; Vian, D.*

In JT-60SA, Fast Plasma Position Control Coils Power Supplies (FPPCC PSs) control vertical position of the plasma during a plasma shot, against Vertical Displacements Event (VDE). For this task, the FPPCC PSs have to be as fast as possible and provide as much voltage as possible. Further, these will be open loop feed forward voltage controlled. The main characteristics are: 4-quadrant AC/DC converter 12-pulse with circulating current, DC load voltage $$pm$$ 1000 V and DC load current $$pm$$ 5 kA. The induced overvoltage in FPPC coil during a plasma disruption can reach 10 kV and it is bounded by a nonlinear resistor in parallel to the crowbar. All these technical characteristics have strongly influenced the design of the FPPC converter and of the FPPC transformers, that have been validated by simulation model of FPPCC PS. The outcomes of the simulation have allowed to finalize the performances and dynamic behavior of voltage response.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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