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Dismantlement of large fusion experimental device JT-60U

池田 佳隆; 岡野 文範; 逆井 章; 花田 磨砂也; 秋野 昇; 市毛 尚志; 神永 敦嗣; 清野 公広; 久保 博孝; 小林 和容; 笹島 唯之; 助川 篤彦; 千葉 真一; 西山 友和; 三代 康彦; 柳生 純一; 横倉 賢治; JT-60チーム

Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Okano, Fuminori; Sakasai, Akira; Hanada, Masaya; Akino, Noboru; Ichige, Hisashi; Kaminaga, Atsushi; Kiyono, Kimihiro; Kubo, Hirotaka; Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Sasajima, Tadayuki; Sukegawa, Atsuhiko; Chiba, Shinichi; Nishiyama, Tomokazu; Miyo, Yasuhiko; Yagyu, Junichi; Yokokura, Kenji; JT-60 Team


The JT-60U torus was disassembled so as to newly install the superconducting tokamak JT-60SA torus. The JT-60U used the deuterium for 18 years, so the disassembly project of the JT-60U was the first disassembly experience of a fusion device with radioactivation in Japan. All disassembly components were stored with recording the data such as dose rate, weight and kind of material, so as to apply the clearance level regulation in future. The lessons learned from the disassembly project indicated that the cutting technologies and storage management of disassembly components were the key factors to conduct the disassembly project in an efficient way. After completing the disassembly project, efforts have been made to analyze the data for characterizing disassembly activities, so as to contribute the estimation of manpower needs and the radioactivation of the disassembly components on other fusion devices.



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