Development of a sensor for in-situ measurement of hydrogen peroxide in irradiation field by using frequency dependent complex impedance analysis
塙 悟史
; 端 邦樹
; 内田 俊介; 西山 裕孝 
Hanawa, Satoshi; Hata, Kuniki; Uchida, Shunsuke; Nishiyama, Yutaka
原子力プラントの冷却水は原子炉内部で放射線を受け分解し、水中には過酸化水素などの酸化剤が生成される。過酸化水素は、応力腐食割れ(SCC)の発生やき裂進展などプラントの経年劣化現象の主要因子であり、その場の濃度の定量評価は高経年化プラントの健全性を評価する上で重要である。しかし、過酸化水素濃度の定量評価は、従来の技術ではサンプリング水の分析による必要があり、熱的に不安定な過酸化水素のその場評価は難しい。周波数依存複素インピーダンス(FDCI)測定によれば、材料表面の酸化皮膜の性状変化を把握することが可能であり、Cole-Coleプロットの低周波数側半円が過酸化水素濃度に対してリニアな相関を示すことが最近の研究で明らかになっている。原子力機構では、FDCI測定を応用した照 射環境下でも使用できる過酸化水素濃度のその場測定センサーの開発を進めている。本発表では、上記センサーの開発計画を紹介する。
Water in the primary circuit of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) decomposes by radiolysis, then oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide and oxygen are generated as a result. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the major factor for initiation and propagation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in structural materials, hence in-situ monitoring of hydrogen peroxide at the point of interest in irradiation field is quite important to assure the integrity of NPPs. Concentration of hydrogen peroxide in irradiation field is governed by energy deposition by neutron and
-ray in which the degree of energy is different in locations, while concentration in un-irradiation area decreases due to thermal decomposition. Quantitative evaluation of hydrogen peroxide is, however, available only by analyzing sampled water at present, and therefore in-situ monitoring of hydrogen peroxide at the point of interest becomes quite important. Frequency dependent complex impedance (FDCI) analysis gives characteristics of oxide film on the materials, and it becames clear by recent activities that the low frequency semicircles in Cole-Cole plots shows linear correlation to the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. JAEA is now developing a sensor for in-situ monitoring of hydrogen peroxide applicable to irradiation environment by applying FDCI. The outline and overall schedule of the sensor development will be reported in the presentation.