※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Investigation into corrosion cause of the reprocessing facilities analysis waste fluid plumbing

田中 直樹 ; 諏訪 登志雄 ; 西田 直樹 ; 久野 剛彦 ; 伊波 慎一

Tanaka, Naoki; Suwa, Toshio; Nishida, Naoki; Kuno, Takehiko; Inami, Shinichi


Corroded pore was found at stainless pipe for liquid waste solution from the analytical laboratory. In order to find out the cause of corrosion, analytical samples were prepared cutting from the pipe. Reagents contained chloride, which had been used analytical laboratory more than ten years before the date, were found to be the trigger of the localized corrosion. We checked up all the pipes, which have been wasted including chloride solutions, by phased array instrument. We report the investigation of cause of corrosion and results of non-destructive testing.



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